Conversation Between Xanatos and Kurt Zisa

42 Visitor Messages

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  1. I am a huge fan of Metal Gear Solid, and Peace Walker just happens to be my favorite game on PsP, close second to MGS (PSOne) as far as series goes.

    Everything good about Portable Ops is improved in Peace Walker, there so much going on in this game, recruiting soldiers (you can even recruit Hideo Kojima at one point), building your base, researching and acquiring weapons... Peace Walker is beyond a mere stealth game.

    One thing I'm not really fond of are boss battles, villains in general, they were way more creative and fun to battle with in previous games, not saying they are overly bad in Peace Walker.

    Also, Pupa made me curse this game =D
  2. Haha yeah I really need to get a hold of that game somehow. I'll definitely give PSN a look though, the hard copies go for way too much online.

    Are you fan of Metal Gear Solid? I bought Peace Walker last week and I really want to talk to someone about it lol

    EDIT: Duuude I posted this on my on wall by mistake, my bad.
  3. You haven't played IX!! What have you been doing so far, you get on that shit right now, you can buy it cheap via PSN.
  4. Well, thank you.
  5. Hey Xanatos, Happy Birthday
  6. I use Lei Wulong myself, his moves have drastically changed in Tekken 6, there's more emphasis on his snake stance. It took some time getting used to, thus I can't say I have as impressive win to lose ratio as you have with Kazuya. I did in fact manage to beat Nancy Robot, he does have some cheap moves, plus the highest defense out of them all. I used to fall into that hole he tends to make, later on I found out just how easy is to avoid it. One thing I like about Tekken 6 is it's edit mode, hopefully it will become as strong as in SoulCalibur through next instalments.
  7. Yeah they've really ramped up the difficulty of the final bosses compared to the regular fighters. The only thing that makes Jin difficult in Tekken 6 is that he's constantly in Rage state.

    I came very close to breaking something the first few times I fought Azazel, but then I remembered I felt the same way with Jinpachi Mishima (all previous final bosses weren't too difficult IMO) and that the best way to beat him was to understand how to block and counter his attacks. When you think about it, Azazel's stun attack doesn't last half as long as Jinpachi's, his laser beam can be avoided by crouching and the spikes he shoots out of the ground can be jumped over. Now it's just a case of hitting him as he's preparing an attack and keeping him in the air or on the ground for as long as possible. Also I haven't found that golden version yet, I've heard it's harder but it's never come up during my playthroughs. Have you defeated that Nancy robot in Arcade Mode? I usually get it down to a 1/4 health before it lasers me or uses some other cheap move.

    As for the most used character, I would have to say Kazuya. I think he benefited the most from the change from 5 to 6. He has quite a small move list but he's got at least one move for every situation. I've won quite a few battles by repeatedly using Flash Punch Combo, Dragon Uppercut and Hell Lancer (it's kinda hard to show the button inputs) because they're fast, strong and have pretty good range. I think he's currently at 85 wins to 4 losses on Arcade Mode and Ghost Battle, I think I'll try for an even 100 before I retire him for someone else. Which character is your most used?
  8. Azazel's quite a bitch, I once threw my PsP out of anger, still nothing compared to Seth from Street Fighter IV, he's as cheap as it gets. There's another version of Azazel that apears randomly in Arcade mode called Gold Azazel, I never managed to encounter him. Which character do you play most with if you don't mind me asking.
  9. I lost my save halfway through, that should teach me for using an emulator (I honestly don't know if I should put a smiley or a sad face here). Anyways, I wouldn't mind hearing about your progress.
  10. How's your playthrough of Pokemon Black 2 going? I was going to post my progress in the thread but just thought "meh".
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos
    "If this was actually true they would have done it as soon as Final Fantasy IX hit the market."

    Nicely put, that made me laugh. I was going to 'Thank' you but it shut me down. Gotta Thank a few other first I guess.
  12. There are noticeable improvements over Red and Blue. For starters, it has better sprites in battle, more faithful to it's anime counterpart. Jessie and James make appearance. You can obtain all of the original first starters including a legendary Pokemon that even Nintendo didn't know appears in their game (Mew).

    Gym leaders and your rival have a different Pokemon setups, there's Pikachu surf mini game, though only if you play it on SNES. Speaking of Pikacku, yes, I kinda wish it could evolve, though having a Pokemon with whom you can interact (something in manner of HeartGold/SoulSilver) is kinda cute. There are other minor changes, but that's about the gist of it.
  13. I'm ashamed to say I've never actualy played Pokemon Yellow. Does it have any improvements over Red and Blue? It must get quite tiresome to always have a Pikachu that doesn't evolve, although I guess it saves spending ages trying to find one in Viridian Forest.
  14. Thanks, man.
  15. Happy Birthday, have a good one.
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