Conversation Between Unknown Entity and Freya

168 Visitor Messages

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  1. I still want to give you more and more adoptees. You just seem to be the perfect adopter. XD But that's mostly because you like every FF. So even if someone said X-2 was the best FF for them, you still match XD
  2. Haha, it's fiiine. You know now though.
  3. ... I'm disappointed now. XD" I'm not in this group. ^^" I gotta tell Meier to let me in.
    Gosh, I'm so sorry ^^""
  4. It was in the Adoption social group. There's a signing in and out topic. ^^;
  5. Wait - when did you mention that you were going to take a break?! And WHERE?
    I'm gonna go searching for that posting. :/
  6. Ahaha... awkward. It was only like, five days ago I mentioned I was taking a break. ^^;
    Note to self: don't bother with the social group.

    Oh well. No more after this one. ;p
  7. Hey, I'm proud to announce that you have a new adoptee
    It's seanb. ^^ I hope that's okay for you. But I'm sure a powerpuff girl like you can easily handle two adoptees
  8. TV has just changed for me since I've been playing games. There's still some shows I like, and will always watch, like Being Human, True Blood and Top Gear, but that's it... and even then, I swear I've seen every single episode of True Blood and Top Gear at least twice. >>

    Bottom line: I prefer the gaming variety of television watching. ^^;
  9. Hahaha That's what I do when watching TV as well. XD Most shows on TV are so boring and everytime I'm in front of the TV I get bored by just sitting there... and then I usually play a game as well. XD
  10. Thankies for the thankies. ^^

    Yep, I really don't like it. It was on TV, and I got bored and put a game on. xD
  11. WAIT - you're from England and still you don't like Monty Python? Why's that? He's probably one of the most famous English people. o_o (Oh and I loved the movies *coughs* ^^")
  12. I can't thank Unknown Entity again, so I'll do it via VM.
    I liked your answer in the "VMs"-Thread. Those were just the right words. *thumbs up* :>
  13. Gosh, you're CUTE XD
  14. I was upset? No I wasn't. I no care for TFF family!!! ><
    Thank you. I have a family again. <3

    I'll never change it.
  15. As you were pretty sad when Starfighter left, I decided to give you a new adoptee.
    It's Michael Swayne - someone who wants an adopter who's able to talk... lots.

    ... and I STILL love Aeris's Revenge XD
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