Conversation Between Rikkuffx and Unknown Entity

250 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey hey sis! =]

    How's it going?
  2. sistah sistah where have you been? hehe heyyy
  3. I saw! They're lovely. =]
  4. ohh its all good. The last couple days i've been busy but I did manage to put the pics up on my facebook.
  5. All is well, thanks. I hope the same to you! =]

    I've just not really been in an MSN mood lately, is all. Yeah I've been on, but not really talking to anyone. Anyone I am talking to often waits like... 15mins for me to get back to them lmao. ^^;;
  6. sis!! I haven't heard from you for a couple days. I hope all is well.
  7. Can't wait to see them! ^^
  8. Yes I did.I'll put them on my facebook later my mom told me to take lots of pics LOL. i did forget to take a pic of the fruit though lol oh well.
  9. Jeese, that is sucky how they let you down. And you missing your brothers call, but he might try and call again soon - you never know. *huggles*

    I'm glad you did have some fun though. Haha, did you get any pics of the tall ships?
  10. I did have fun with the people that did show up,and I went into Boston and saw the tall ships(the big sailboats) and we walked around fanuil hall(a shopping plaza) i just get annoyed when people ditch me on my bday,it was rude,and one girl had the nerve to call me to see if i could work her shift,when she was supposed to be coming with me on my bday sooo people suck.
  11. Well,my uncle didn't show up or call,alot of my friends cancelled on me last minute,and my bro called the house twice but i had just left both times and mom only got to talk to him for a minute anyway,he was calling to wish me a happy bday...and who knows when he will be able to call next,they weren't supposed to get phones or net while they have been in afghanistan but somehow they are. so i cried alot...
  12. =O

    How come?
  13. crappy
  14. Haha, no worries lmao. As long as you enjoyed it. =]

    How did your birthday go? =D
  15. I forgot to take a picture of the fruit!! grrr LOL when you're on msn i'll send you the website. Its soo yummy.
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