Conversation Between Sinister and Furore

79 Visitor Messages

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  1. I know I just emptied a few.
  2. Dude, Dim wants to chat or something but your PMs are full.
  3. Too kind dude.
  4. Hurry back, fool.
  5. I'm not Rosicrucian! And don't speak that word too heavily... The forum has unfriendly ears. Meet me in the sacred grotto of the Pharoah's cthonic order of the Rosy cross and we'll talk there.
  6. Sup mah Rosicrucian homie?
  7. LOL
    I'd probably be too but I have to work in a few hours.
  8. Not really...I was so drunk I VMed myself the poem instead of you. Had to delete them and start over. ><;
  9. Good show old chap.
  10. Keep in mind....I'm wasted, I thank you.
  11. Part I

    There was this aussie
    The man was toughly smart
    And drank his rum

    Part II:

    He was a good friend
    Clever in all the right ways
    His Name was Nathan
  12. Completely batshit insane. And 'in poor spirits'.
  13. I have to have time... My poetry is rusty and not as quick as yours. But yea... Where would either of us be without Rum, eh?
  14. Read your journal just now...
    My habits have rubbed off on you it seems. =D
    Captain Morgan 100 Proof agogo!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 79
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