Conversation Between Musashiden and Assassin

28 Visitor Messages

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  1. I lovvveee that episode. It's soo damn funny to see Sam get hurt again n again bcoz of the bad luck. I hate Bella, Thank God she goes to hellll.
  2. Well, that's one of the beautiful things about SPN, it doesn't really get old. I've seen the lucky rabbit's foot episode endless times and still laugh uproariously when Dean says "I'm Batman".
  3. Ya but the story would be the same.
    When I got to know about the SPN anime, I was so suprised coz I love anime n SPN but when I watched a small part of an episode of season two I did like it but not as much as I like the real SPN. Well I'll just have to watch the old seasons again and again and again and again and again and again
  4. You can always watch the cartoon .

    I honestly don't know what to make of an SPN anime O_o.
  5. I've watched all the the first four seasons and I've watched half of season six. I keep wondering what I would do when I watch all the seasons. I just don't want it to end
  6. I'm about halfway through Season 6 right now. Just got to the episode where Dean names those vampire/wraith etc. things "Jefferson Starships". I nearly lost it laughing so hard.
  7. Hahahaha
    How many seasons have you watched so far???
  8. I've been calling people assbutt since the end of season 5 XD
  9. OH WOW. Its great to meet someone who has good taste . I love Cass tooooooooo.
  10. No, no. Supernatural for the win. I'm a huge fan, especially of Cas.
  11. Why, you don't like supernatural???
  12. Thanks for the B-Day greeting. Also, Supernatural FTW!
  13. Happy Birthday. Hope you have a great one.
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