Conversation Between Catalana and Cyanist

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  1. And while you are spending time in Russia, clearly jealous me will stick around Canada for a while and learn THEIR language, which is basically the same English as mine, but they add 'Eh?' to the end of everything! Hehe!

    My hair gets really weird when I go to sleep after I shower. It SUPER curls! Hair that was twelve inches the day before is suddenly three! I will never need a haircut. X(

    Okay! Yes! We shall create our own dictionary! I will add the word 'Gufianism' it will be a noun meaning 'the act of being like Goofy.'

    Yeah, skull, like Cranium! But in English it's pretty different. A crane is a machine that is bent over. It uses a hook to lift things from above. I like that word, crane.

    We call her Monzy because she started out with Chinchin, somehow that became Chinamon, then Cinnamon, then Mon + z = Monzy. I should make up more nicknames that way!
    I'm glad for his big appetite! What is his food made from?

    Hmm. Mysterious fellow. Is he good-looking?

    They won't kill themselves, they consider this book good, so they like the present, so they are busy reading it and I have time to scowl at them from afar.
    Fromentin, that sounds like fermented. Like old fruit or something. The 'tin' on the end makes them sound like a pharmaceutical drug. Is that a woman's name?

    I've never once thought of Charlie Brown as a cool name. It seemed kind of fuddy-duddy to me.

    Don't worry about my brain, it repairs itself after sleep It is not his hormones! He's always been like that! It's not a bad thing, either. He is very responsible. He learned electrical stuffs when he was a kid. He fixes things for me now. Like fans and televisions and...etc. He is funny when he gets tired, though! He wanders around, bumping into things. He cannot stay awake. Once when mom brought him to the store in this state, he fell asleep in the cart!
    What on lofty earth is gastronomy again? (oogh, I should know this!)
    Yeah, I'll be sure to visit just as soon as I can figure out how to ask all the French people where Catalana lives.

    He can make the sun appear? How is that possible? Do you mean he makes people happy? Or are you talking literally and the show is fantasy?

    Aw, kids do such cute things! I like watching children, they're so funny!

  2. For you
  3. Yeah ^.^ If I one day I find the time to learn this language : I would love <3 I want to visit Moscow !!! It's so beautiful ! And after hop I go to Alaska haha

    Yeah, it gets static always on winter: that's horrible! Plus mine is so so long ( I'm sure than in 3 months, it will be as high as my backside xP ) so it becomes problematic when it gets static ô.O You know English very well, it's me who mix up some words...sometimes... usually...often... always... dah x)
    Yeah this word was interesting xD I will create a dictionary : you're with me ? haha

    crane over? Whaou I didn't know this word ! When I first read your sentence, I was " crane ?!? " because here in France, crane = skull Yeah you had a good idea ^^

    Monzy ? Haha it's cute Turtles can hear sounds : they have whole on each sied of their head ( ears' whole ) but no don't have ears like us ;P Yeah, he was still eating again when I went to see them this morning -_-' haha

    I don't know, he was like that younger, now he is still like that ^^ I knew him ... well ... for 4/5 years I think...

    Yeah ! Give them this book and your enemies will kill themselves haha
    "How troublesome" haha xD My poor ! The book is called " Dominique " from Fromentin: a french novel

    No no for the few I remembered, his name is Charlie Brown yes ^^ That's a cool name ;P haha

    No no ! * pick up the part of your brain scattered on the ground " donnn'tttt dieeeee T.T
    14 ? Haaa that's why he is over-active ! Teenage hormones... I feel sorry for you... my sister begins to be like that too =_= Yeah ! Chef rocks ! Ahhh the French gastronomy... you can ! I will see you like that

    Haaa mean owners T.T Well the translation is " The mysterious golden cities " It talks about a Spanish orphan kid ( at the conquistadors and Cortes and Pizarro time ) who goes off in search of adventure and will try to discover those city ( legend or not ?!? ). But he had a locket and with his 2 friends ( a boy [ who is the last of his people ] and a girl [ the daughter of a Maya emperor ] ) he will discover so much things : little I was "O.O Wahhhhooouuu :] "And the nickname of the kid is " The Sun's son " because he can make the sun appears...

    The pingoo bag was ... hahah xD So ugly !!! But I was little ( 3 years old ) so I was " Pingu I love youuu" haha so stupid ^^'

    Nathalie is for girls yeah

    Yeah, magnolia are pretty !

    Whaou ! I want the continuation ! Suspense ! So interesting ! ^^
  4. Ah, yes, you were planning on going to Alaska through Russia, weren't you? Are you going to learn the language?

    Electric? Now that's an interesting word for hair. You mean it gets static? I'm not sure what the word is either. Gaw! I thought I knew English!

    No, he has a clasp on the front (him being a laptop, I've connected him to a monitor so I don't have to crane over his screen.

    I have many kitties, many names, the one whose picture I showed you is ChinChin, but sometimes I call her Monzy. A hungry turtle? how can you tell he can even hear you? I've never seen a real turtle, but none of the pictures have ears...

    Why is he that way? Any particular reason? How well do you know him?

    That sounds like a familiar story. What was the book called?
    Well, it appears my brother ignored my order to return the book, so it is still here. How troublesome. Actually, my worst enemy probably likes this book, so it would be a good present. X)

    Yeah, I thought it was weird you didn't know Charlie Brown, everyone knows him. Does he have a different name in France?

    UARRRGHH!!! Another sir Lawrence? You've exploded my brain, I hope you're happy! =) Actually he's gotten better lately, but he's still over-active. He's fourteen and he has a six-pack. *head-smack* And I would love nothing more than to become a chef. But I think I need to go to a school for that. Maybe one in France! Then I'll be like Sabrina!

    Hmm, too bad I couldn't watch the video. The owners of the show's rights has blocked the content from being viewed in the U.S. due to copyright issues.
    What is "Les mystèrieuses citées d'or" mean? What is the show about?

    What did the Pingoo bag look like?

    Ooh, Thibault, so masculine! Nathalie! I love that name. It is for a girl, right?

    So Lester will have big flowers: The Magnolia flower! It smells sweet, too.

    Of course that's not the whole thing, silly! Here's more: Dr. Cawley tells the Marshals about the escaped patient: Rachel Solando, a women who was incarcerated for drowning her three children. He says after all the years she spent in here, she never once admitted to being in an asylum. She believes she's at home, treating everyone as milkmen, delivery men and the like.
    After formalities, the two marshals investigate the patient's room. The security guards claim to have been playing cards near the staircase (the only way in or out) all night. The guard who was stationed at the hall outside her room, breaks under Daniels' questioning and admits he did leave for five minutes to relieve himself without telling anyone. They inspect the patient's room and find her shoes are still present. Daniels notes that barefoot, the women wouldn't get ten yards in the type of terrain outside. Daniels finds a scrap of paper hidden under a loose brick in the floor under her bed. On it is written two lines: "The Law Of 4. Who is 64?" in Rachel's hand-writing.
    Tune in next time.
  5. Thank you I made my profile red !!!! with Russian dolls and all ... I want to visit Russia ( If it's not obvious hahaha )

    I use a yogurt shampoo for fragile hair, a " head shoulders " shampoo and another one for unmanageable hair : " L'Oréal Paris Elsève ". I know I have to use 3 shampoos and I live with it !!! xD But I have to confess that now I don't use the L'Oréal, I only use it during winter because my hair begins to be fly-away and " electric " ( I don't know how you call this phenomenon ) ^^

    Me too sometimes he sends to me a report and there is nothing wrong : proud of me ;P Hahaha His mouth is sealed ? How ? With adhesive tape ? xD
    I'm sure people will see it ! Youtube often puts the new videos forward :]

    No, Jean-Claude is a boy name but yes that's right we have only boy nicknames -_-' haha xD What's the name of this kitty ? My turtle is crazy, his name is Hera ( and he is a boy ... we thought he was a female and called him Hera but no ... he is a male ) and even if I call him " Stupid " or " Pony " he will come all the same because he always wants me to give him more ad more food but he is a little turtle ! How can he have such appetite with his little stomach ! O.O

    That's impossible xP But he is uncommon ! No many people like him because of his personality but he is very nice. If he wasn't I would have become his friend !!!

    Yeah it was the story of a man who is in love with a married girl, so the girl who feels guilty for him will help him to find a wife but she will fall in love with him and ask him to go away... this sentence is the story without the long descriptions : nothing more to tell xD I already told you the entire story line xD hahaha
    Haha nobody, even our worst foe, has to suffer because of this book xD

    I know Charlie Brown !!!! I think I read one of this comic too when I was younger ! I recognized his pull-over !
    Ah ah I like this cartoon :] Thanks to show me this ^^

    I will become friend with Sir Lawrence and always run after you to cook us some food ! I don't have a difficult taste so everything is okay ;P You will become chef soon !

    Yeah ! You could do the voices in cartoons !!!! It would be so funny ! And my favorite cartoon of all the time who symbolized all my childhood is " Les mystèrieuses citées d'or " ... There were a lot of episodes and I saw all of them twice I think xP I was in loe with this cartoon and I am still in love with it now ! The end was so so so sad, I remember I saw the last episode in my grandma's house and I cried like nobody at the end because I knew there won't have any other episodes xD During all the afternoon I cried ( I was so little ^.^ ) Apparently there will be a sequel soon, when I heard that I was jumping everywhere like a fool even if I am 16 now :] I don't often look at the TV but I will for this cartoon ! I want a happy-ending ! This ending wasn't a success for me >.<
    ==> Les Mystérieuses Cités d'Or - Générique (1982) - YouTube
    I know the generic by heart <3 It is old but so interesting !
    And I had a pingoo bag when I was very very little xD

    Maxence is a great name, yes There are : Corinne, Laurine, Violette, Stanislas, Thibault, Emile, Nicolas, Nathalie,...

    I don't know what flower it is ... but Lester is a big rat O.O

    Lucky luke rules xD lol

    This is all the story line ? It's very interesting ! I love when someone tell me the story of a film because I like to know the end before I look at it ... I know I don't like to be surprised xD Thank you
  6. Hey, you changed your profile! It looks pretty good!

    Yeah, but no need to clap, that could just be my shampoo. I've been using 'Johnson's Baby' stuff, and it is AWFUL! What brand do you use?

    Mine won't talk either, his mouth is sealed. I've already searched for viruses and issues. There appears to be nothing wrong...
    I hope it gets more popular. Esmeralda told me I should post it as a reply to someone else's youtube video, and to put more tags on it, but I'd rather not be annoying and have my video pop up when people start searching for something completely unrelated.

    Jean-Claude? I wasn't aware that was a girl's name either! Oh, well, as long as she answers to the names I guess it doesn't matter (I have a naughty kitty who won't come when I call him.)

    Narcissistic but NICE? how's that possible?

    No action at ALL? Was it a romance or something?
    Yeah, that book was quite graphic. I was quick to tell my brother, Wallace, to return it to the library before anyone else suffered. XP

    They sort of make the holidays special, those regular cartoons. Here's who charlie brown is. I used to read comics of him when I was young. A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving - YouTube

    That's a real Oliver Twist moment, yeah? "Can we have some food, sir?" That's so funny! I have a little brother, Lawrence, (we call him King, or Sir Lawrence) who has super fast digestion, so he used to whine at me very often to make him food. Usually instant soups and the like.

    I've never heard of Pingoo! It seems a shame I had to grow up without it! I'm an adult but I want MORE pingoo!
    It's a pity we don't have Pingoo in America! They should arrange some sort of multicultural cartoon sharing event. I love the voice actors! They are so talented. My brother once asked if I would consider signing up for a job voicing cartoon characters, but I told him "my voice is too silly. Who would hire such a whiny girl?" he answered "you could be a sidekick, then."
    "I have been living in the role of sidekick for a long time, and trying to get out of it!!" X)X)X)

    Tatiana, Eulalie... I love these names! I must write them down and make a note to use them in a story or something! Maxence is soo cool! I think he should be the main character or he could be the bad guy!

    Lester's cousin's coffin will be the most expensive, and his grave will be wreathed in flowers every month. Does anyone know what flower was his favorite?

    Lucky Luke is cool!

    I'm so happy I get to tell the story! Okay, here's more: Daniels and his partner, Ruffalo reluctantly surrender their guns. Daniels remarks to Ruffalo that he has seen electrified fences like this one before and it is impossible to get past those. He notes that there is an old light tower on the coast, but the guards dismiss that, saying it was searched and the prisoner ooooo The two of them enter the grounds. There are supervised prisoners wandering around, some of them gardening. a guard points toward one of two buildings and tells them the one the patient escaped from is the standard ward, the other, off to the right, is for serious cases (murderers and the like) He also informs them that Dr. Crawley and the warden handle everything and that's who they were going to see. He continues to buff up the Dr.'s image on the way, telling them what a great thing he's doing, taking only the most damaged patients in the States, even the world. The ones no other hospital can manage.
    They enter Dr. Cawley's study and he rises from his desk to greet them. He waves the guard out and thanks the two marshals for coming so quickly.
  7. Even when your hair is wet they still curly ?!? Wahou ! Yes it's rare O.O *applause*

    Yeah I tried to talk to my pc before ... he never answered me ... or it was Avast which was talking to me but he didn't answer very well ... like " a new software upgrade is available " : he is so nice
    No don't say that ! You will see : in one month your views will fly away

    It's not her real name but I don't know it's her nickname ;P Or her another nickname is " Jean-Claude" xD But I have a friend who count more than her : I know him for 4 years now he is so nice, narcissistic and always upsetting everybody but he is so nice He even cooked for me once ! xD
    Yeah I read once a book in which there was NO ACTION ... I don't tell lies : there wasn't any action I was O.O damn ! hahaha
    Shocking ? The language was shocking ?

    Charlie Brown ? I heard this name before but I can't tell you who is it. Yeah during holidays, Christmas, summer break and sometimes they show it during Easter ;P
    Yeah we have some cartoon films like that

    Yeah xD We ate at twelve and sometimes at 1/1.30 so we were begging for food during classes and the teacher were " You will eat soon so shut up ! " and we were " WE ARE HUNGRY " hahaha
    Ohh the two penguins were so cute O.O *.* It made me think about pingoo, do you know pingoo ? ==>PINGOO SCHOOL - YouTube
    I love pingoo ! It's all my childhood I was " O.O Mummy pingoo begins !!!!! " when I was younger ! I figured out 4 months ago that they scheduled pingoo again ... I was so happy
    And this show is very interesting ! It's a pity that we don't have that here in France

    Maxence is for male ! We have Caroline ( F ), Antoine( M ), Anthony ( M ), Gladys ( F ), Célia ( F ), Tatiana ( F ), Eulalie ( F ) ...

    Yeah, if Lester cousin was still alive, we for sure invite him to have a lunch with us but he became the snow leopard's lunch ... unfortunately

    Lucky luke is a cartoon : Les Nouvelles Aventures de Lucky Luke 18 Vautours Dans La Plaine - YouTube
    Lucky luke is a cowboy who can shoot with his gun faster than his shadow ! Rantamplan is his stupid dog and the Dalton are his foes ! They always come back to the prison because lucky luke is a good person and the Dalton are the mean guys !

    You can tell me the story line because I never have time to see the movie *snif* but he seems very cool ! :] Yeah I saw thor !!!!
  8. Mine doesn't mix me up like that, it's like "I'm curly even right out of the water. What are you gonna do about it?" ^_^;

    My computer was so happy and helpful before, I wonder why he only freezes with this program? Maybe I should sit down and have a talk with him.
    I guess they will, but I keep getting the creepy sensation that one of my family members might just be watching it over and over again to fool me.

    Yeah, a good friend can change everything. I'm glad you have one (I didn't know Pedro could be a girl's name...)
    It wasn't uninteresting, it was shocking. Every couple of seconds she changes the subject, but what I didn't like was the language, and her humor is not familiar to me.

    I watched it. That was intriguing. The art is very unusual. I can honestly say I've never seen anything like it here in the states, we usually have so many bright colors.
    They show it at Christmas? Sort of like Charlie Brown cartoons, I guess. Do you know of Charlie Brown?

    I hope the teacher doesn't get mad. When do you have lunch? Twelve? The teacher has to endure an hour of fidgety, noisy children? I have a new respect for that profession ^_^;
    Well, it was a children's show called "Beakman's world" It teaches children science and little experiments. Lester was Beakman's rat, who asks the silly (sometimes) stupid questions. Here's a link...beakman's world - YouTube

    I've never heard of 'Clothilde'! It's so viking sounding! Maxence? Is that a girls or boy's name? Camelia is also unknown to me! I want to hear more!

    You certainly have a flare for the dramatics. Poor Lester-cousin. We did not know you, but we shall mourn you as a friend.

    I've never seen either of those Westerns! I feel like I'm missing out, big time!

    Ahh! you saw the trailer! Are you planning to watch the film, or should I ruin it for you? (decisions, decisions...) =_=' well, here's more.
    The film begins where U.S. Marshal Edward 'Teddy' Daniels is on a ferry boat, throwing up (sea sickness). His new partner, U.S. Marshal Ruffalo tells Teddy what a great thing it is for him to be working with a legend like Daniels. The boat nears Shutter island (gloomy and forbidding) and on the dock are waiting a few officers with guns. They welcome the Marshals and drive them to the prison. At the gates (topped with electrified barbed wire) they insist on taking both the Marshals' guns before allowing them inside...

    I'll get you more later.
    Have you seen 'Thor' maybe?
  9. Yeah ! When you have curly hair, often when it is wet it becomes straight but comes back to normal and curly after xD

    If I didn't love him so much, I'd throw him through my window xD He loves to make me wait between the time I turn him on and the time he stops to be slow ^^
    11 views ? They increase no ? So it means that they will increase more and more You'll see

    Yeah, I loathe these people. My classmates are all like that ... I feel alone sometimes. if there wasn't one of my friend ( surname=pedro and she is a girl xP ) who was like me I'd surely become depressive I think. Yeah it's a good definition HA ha I hope the book wasn't so uninteresting ^^'

    It's a children tale but sincerely even adults still look at that when there is a broadcast at the TV of it during Christmas or holidays It's a good one, very colorful, very chill, a good story ^^

    HAHA I love the " poor other " xD Yeah we make sound with our bags or our full pencil cases. Sometimes we even make the teacher shout to hide our stomach sounds xD

    Ohhh poor Lester ! I didn't know this name ! It's an interesting one :] Do you know the French name " Madeleine " or " Clothilde " ? or even " Maxence " and " Camélia " ? Some of them are old and the others are normal ;P
    A rat show ? what rat show ?

    What do they eat ? hm ... we will bring with us Lester because he has a rat cousin and hop they will eat him and let us flee xD RIP Lester ... your memory will always still in our heart ... and your heart will still in the snow leopard stomach ... what a story ! I will cry !

    Western ! Like lucky luke and the dalton xP AND RANTANPLAN the stupid dog lmao !

    Oh yeah I want to hear more ^.^ I think I had look at the trailer but not the entire film And The matrix with the f****** soundtrack of the dead <3 We all know it ^^
    While you were sleeping ... perhaps ! I will ask my friend tomorrow !
  10. It's definitely shorter (envious me). Actually, in order to KEEP it straight, I'd probably have to straighten it pretty often. My brothers' hair usually went back to normal after he showered.

    Yeah, bad computer! If I didn't love him so much, I'd shoot him for sure. It does work after I reset him, though, so I'm not sure if he's that awful yet.
    Aw, thanks. It had 11 views last I checked. My work is going slow on the sequel.

    What I can't stand even more is imagining that other people think that way about me. That's awful too, because people who think other people are thinking bad things, are obviously thinking bad things themselves! It sounds confusing, but in this book I just recently read, someone else summed it up better. it was "Resentment is like drinking a poison and waiting for the other person to die." -Carrie Fisher. (I don't like everything she says, she has quite the language, but my dad told me that in every book you'll find at least one thing that's true. I had to read the whole thing to find it.

    Well, if every French person knows it, then I should take a look.

    I hope you have a loud class at eleven. My stomach doesn't usually sing. I'm the cook around here, so if I need anything, I get it myself. Others have to whine at me if they're hungry. (poor others)

    Esmeralda has gone off to meet with her guy friend who is practicing guitar songs with her. His name is Lester. (that name reminds me of a rat because there used to be this show on television with a guy dressed up in a rat suit named Lester)

    Snow Leopards!!! I hadn't thought of those. Of course they'll attack us. We'd better bring something that he likes to distract him. What do they eat?

    Yeah, it is! they have these unusual bends in their legs. Very difficult to master. I had to watch a lot of western films.

    Okay, well, in 'Shutter Island' It starts with an investigator (played by Leonardo Dicaprio) and his partner who are called to "Shutter Island" to solve a missing person's case. It is a creepy place where they keep the mental patients locked up... do you want to hear more?

    Have you seen "The Matrix?" What about "While you were sleeping"?
  11. How long is your hair ? Very long like mine or shorter ? Haha you're a girl from a manga xD I knew it ! I revealed your secret that you had hidden all the time !!!!! Yeaaaaaah x) Lol

    Why ? You too your computer is mean ? Bahhh we will shoot them with a gun that I will find in a hobo house in the very heart of the amazon jungle ... O.O I have a lot of inspiration today ... or it's my Physics class which killed all my brain cells ><
    I will for sure watch it when you'll finish it ;P

    I never judge one person with her appearance ... never because 95% of the time judging like that give you the wrong impression of the person and you draw conclusions that are not right ... I loathe those these people -_-' Yeah you're right, some people are so immature : it's annoying !

    Kirikou n'est pas grand mais il est vaillant ... mais il est vaillant, kirikou est petit ... mais c'est mon ami ... mais c'est mon ami~ He even has his own song lmao xD Every french person knows it for sure ! ==> Youssou N Dour - "Kirikou n&#39;est pas grand mais il est vaillant" - YouTube
    Kirikou is the very little naked kid

    After eating sweet each morning , it's boring ( for me ! ) ... plus my stomach is never full >< So our stomachs sing during the class at 11 AM lmao We are dead hungry !

    Yeah ! She is more insane than me for this time O.O haha

    I will beat those kids and steal their gloves and run run run ... like there was a snow leopard which was running after me ... and then I will figure out that there will be a real snow leopard which will chase us xDDDD HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    That's a very good challenge I'm sure that you can win ^^

    I always failed when I drew their legs --' lol it was like 4 posts lol It's really difficult ^^'

    Top gun never ... but my friends maybe ( because I never go to the cinema ... I'm not a big fan of movie that's why I don't have a big film knowledge :] ) and the " shutter island " tell me something ... :}
  12. Okay, awesome! I was thinking of getting my hair straightened (just to see how that would look) well, it wasn't my idea, actually, Esmeralda has been wheedling me about this new hair iron she got for her birthday. She tried it on my brothers and OMG! They looked like anime characters! Like those people with the cool hair in Asian films!

    I did one earlier, but I'm not proud of it. I'm planning to make a sequel to that one you watched. I hope to be finished soon, but my computer keeps getting angry at me when I try

    *nod* yes. Judging of others is nassty. I cannot believe the immaturity of some people.

    Oh! I've never heard of Kirikou before! How refreshing.

    Yeah, right from the packet! Insane! XD

    Okay (I don't believe you, everyone would like sweets for breakfast, it's plain sense) I'm thinking I'll just eat a pickle right now.

    UoU I think I could probably come to enjoy being frozen. I'll just wait until I thaw out and then I'll continue on my way (of course I'll hiss at those nasty kids first)

    ooo that's a beautiful picture. I've never tried to draw dew-drops before. This should be challenging, but I love a good challenge.

    Haha, it really is difficult to get the ponies right, isn't it? I mostly had trouble with their rear ends they were always saggy. On the plus side, I'm able to make a good horse quite easily now, so I'm glad I struggled.

    Sure! Have you seen 'Top Gun?' What about 'Shutter Island?' (that one's spooky)
  13. Yeah I will try one day and tell you what I look like and think xD Promise !

    No I never saw dragonball unfortunately but I will when I will find time for it ! Oh don't worry I'm a curious girl so it will be okay I watched it and it was very good It's your first or you did others ?

    Oh yeah ! Today I was wearing a big shirt ... too big for me but I love wearing big things ! I like when it's not at all fashionable ! I don't like to be fashion --'
    And you're right ... pff I hate people who just judge everyone ... they annoy me

    Kirikou ? It's a black kid who is the more little of all kids and he is the main character of a famous cartoon film here in France and he goes off in search for adventure and for find the jewelry stole by the mean queen
    hot-taco-sauce ? Like that ? Woow she is courageous ! ^^ I hope too xP

    Cinnamon rolls O.O No all the French are eating pastries or slices of bread ! And no we don't have sugar rush xD No no on the contrary we are a little energetic ! But I'm not fond of this breakfast ^^'

    No we will freeze ... again ... and we will become snow girls waiting for a little kid to put a carrot on our head to make us a nose xD

    I found some flower pictures :

    I love flowers too ^^ And ponies ? I never made a good drawing of ponies or horses --' lol

    Oh you know we have a little of the English culture :] Mmmh tell me other movies name and I will tell you if we know them okay ? ^^
  14. I guess you could probably curl it just to see what it would look like, but I personally think it's a big bother.

    Ugh, well, if I write any lyrics, I'll be sure to let you know, as for my movie... have you seen Dragonball? Cuz I'm not sure it would be funny otherwise. Oh, well, here's the link
    Dragonball dramedy - YouTube

    I think I would like to dress like a hobo. People care too much about what they wear nowadays anyway.

    Who is Kirikou? That's interesting humor.
    Esmeralda is here watching a series, she's sucking a hot-taco-sauce packet. It seems weird to me, but she says they taste good. She also says she hopes her insides don't explode because of it.

    Woow, I've heard of people eating cinnamon rolls for breakfast, but this is a whole 'nother level. Does that give you a sugar rush? Do you crash and get tired?

    Yeah, swimming would be cool. I don't think the sun will reach us down in the water.

    Sure, I'd love some ideas, I hadn't even thought of flowers, cuz he's a guy and all, but now I think about it, he didn't specify which gender it was for... I like drawing flowers, I've been drawing them since I was small - that, and cute ponies.

    I didn't know you French have so many of the same films. It's so strange! *head scratching* Oy, what else have you got over there?
  15. Okay I DON'T want it curly hahaha xD

    Oh try and let me read what you imagined and wrote ok ? I'm sure you can easily manage it and find the inspiration : I don't doubt it ! Oh cid's theme <333 I like cid and his outspokenness What is the name of your video ? I will go take a look for sure !
    Oh no eyes of the tiger is so good !!! All the french people know this song ! You like both : music can be stirring anf doesn't have lyrics at all and some can represent a lot for us so we like them ^^

    Joie de vivre = happiness !!!!! You can come with us ^^ I will lend dressing-up to you like that we will take a walk and hang around in my street dressed like hobos lol
    Haha yeah she can change color but also one of the guys was black and me and my friend aren't racist don't worry but she likes black humour or she likes bad and not funny jokes ( which become fun because it's so hopeless lol ) and she was looking at him making a fire and she laughed so I asked her why and she was " Well ... he looks like Kirikou " I was dead laughing ... him too and then one of his friends came and told " Yeah He made the fire for his tribe in Africa " Pfff after the 2 men were chasing each other for funnnnn xD

    Yeah I love it <3 And yeah for breakfast we eat : chocolate-flavoured milk or coffee or only milk, slice of bread and honey, butter, nutella, jam or we can eat a lot of pastries too.

    Our wings will surely freeze ... so we will have gills and then can swim in the water like nemo !!!!

    Okay I will look after it ^^

    Yeah ^^ Oh I have a tattoo idea too so if you want to draw something and don't have idea : PM me or send ask me :] I found a lot of beautiful flowers to draw but I don't want me to draw it -_- lol I know I am difficult x)

    I like the theme of this film My friend knows how to play it at the piano I am always dumbfounded when I am looking and listening to her
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