Conversation Between flux and Dodie16

29 Visitor Messages

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  1. I am really tired....getting off....
  2. I'm doing alright. Not too much is going on right now for me though.

    How are you?
  3. Sorry,still alittle new at this...
  4. Hi,what's up?
  5. Hi,what's up?
  6. Not a whole lot, just playing on the computer for a bit. Pretty much the same as usual.

    How are you?
  7. Hey, what's going on?
  8. Hey,whats going on?
  9. I'm fine,bored(though i've been on the games)
  10. Not a whole lot. Just about to get ready for the day.

    How are you?
  11. hey,what up?
  12. With me? Not a whole lot I'm afraid. I'm just periodically signing on and checking things out, and then go find something else to waste my time on.

    How about you?
  13. Whats going on?
  14. Hello there! Hope you're enjoying TFF so far! Thanks for the friend request.
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 29 of 29
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