Conversation Between Asectic and RamesesII

65 Visitor Messages

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  1. What do you mean they have their holidays during winter.
  2. Drat, why do most people I know here have their celebrations on the winter season?
    At school, no one D:

    .. TO think I just noticed that just now
  3. What you talkin bout willace.

    Idol? your my Idol girlfriend!
  4. Phhpt as if
    No really, what was it?

    Any favorite idols lately?
  5. That it was your birthday
  6. OOPS my bad for making such a silly mistake x]
    Oh god, even your sig is a falcon. I just noticed that

    You're excited for what?
  7. Jeez get it right its a Falcon and because I wanted a change and I like birds of prey mwhaha
  8. Thank you
    As a matter of fact, I did. My friend gave me this cute stuffed cow. ^^

    I've been meaning to ask for quite a while now, why is your theme suddenly that of an eagle? :?
  9. Happy birthday girlfriend hope you have a good one.
  10. Alcoholics? ... Sorry, I was looking for the cAA here. My car has been vandalized by some teens and I can't seem to get it starting
    On and btw, I'd like a ...
    Oh nvm. Apparently I'm not legal to drink OR drive, as a matter of fact.
  11. Haha hello this is the world wide institute of alcomaholics lol
  12. HOMWERKING ... is that how you spell it? Forgeivth me, I fail at engliash xD
    *picks up phone and dials number. Waiting for some1 to pick up*
  13. Hahaha ooook then lol yeah im fine how are you?
  14. No harm doing :]
    I just started to go into what they call "spamming" xD Well, not on the forums but on the VM thingies
    Well, I sound like a dummy
  15. Hey hey whats doing girlfriend?
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 65
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