Conversation Between FeyLenne13 and Assassin

39 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey. Like your profile n the new avatar
  2. Well if your talking about the 7th season then sorry but I haven't watched it yet but m sure its awsome . I just didn't hear about the 7th season anywhere on the t.v, I don't know why.
  3. I've been missing the new episodes of Supernatural. How is the new season?
  4. Well sometimes i like listening to slow,sad n lonely songs, sometimes i like listening to metal rock. These days i like listening to Michael Jackson, Kansas n Gun's n Roses.
  5. what kind of music do you like?
  6. Nothin. Just being bored.
  7. You?
  8. lol Listening To Our Solemn Hour by Within Temptation for the umteth time
  9. Yeah. So what ya doin??????
  10. lol that's cool
  11. I know its awsum. But I've got mad, a second hardly goes without me listening to that song.
  12. yep I've heard it good song.
  13. Yeah I've heard of that episode but haven't seen it yet. Hey have you heard of the song Carry On My Wayward Son by Kansas. This song plays in the recap of the first n last episode of every season. M sure you've heard of it.
  14. I didn't like it when Sam was evil soul-less Sam. He did it well but it was creepy!
  15. I know, The writers are just so creative i mean where do they come up with these ideas. Ya i have seen that episode, its in season 6 right?. Its so damn funny.I love Dean for being so funny n i love Sam for being he smart one
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 39
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