Conversation Between Noctis Lucis Caelum and Alther Primus

95 Visitor Messages

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  1. Same here, so I haven't seen you around ROS lately. What have you been up to?

    Oh which villains are eliminated right now and which ones are left?
  2. Not bad...

    An elimination, where you decide who the best villain is!
  3. Nothin really, so how you been?

    and who is elim?
  4. Not much, you?

    BTW, there's a villain elim!
  5. Hey, Whats up?
  6. hey when you get the chance come back to ROS we got all kinds of new stuff!
  7. Nice Avvy!
  8. i don't need it anymore and on forummotion you can only have 1 forum per email address.
  9. What for? And can't youcreate another one on your own account? Basically, I say, depends, 98 %chance of a no.
  10. hey Armageddon is it alright if i use your email to create another site with forummotion?
  11. Errrm, I can add a link, but could you please create the page WITH the Affiliates??
  12. armageddon did you do that thing i asked you to do?
  13. could you put an affiliate thing in the nav bar and if cloud has done that already put one of the affiliates in there you need to check the annoucements to find out who they are.
  14. What do you need?
  15. hey could you do something for me on ROS.
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 95
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