Conversation Between Xanatos and ViviMasterMage

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  1. Happy birthday man, bit more and you'll be old enough to drink alcohol, legally that is.
  2. It's not kindness. It's honesty! =)

    Well, you know that people normally take to what they're good at and after drawing and making things on photoshop and RPG maker, I thought I'd go for it. I also have a hidden passion for poetry so I went for Literature. And about the Powerpuff thing? I didn't know so many people were doing it so maybe I'll back out right now. xD
  3. Think I'm gonna blush, but seriously, you're too kind.

    Call it a hunch, but I knew you would go with some sort of art, after all you're highly talented in that area, and as long as you're passionate at what you do you'll do mighty fine. All the Powerpuff hype lately, I seriously didn't expect it will affect you, too =).
  4. Ah, it's always scary to go to a new sort of environment and have no one you know there. I didn't think it'd be a problem for you though. You're a charismatic person. Well, at least on here. xD

    I'm taking a Level 3 BTEC Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production (Game Design) and an A-Level in English Literature. =)
  5. Can't complain, really. Switched to new university, and so far it's been more than great, got used to the new place rather quick.

    Heading to college soon, I see, anything particular in mind?
  6. Wow, it's really nice to hear from you, Xanatos!

    It's fine! I'm doing brilliantly! I've got only a few months to wait before I do my final exams and then go off to college, Xanatos! What about you? How are you doing?
  7. Long time no see, ey...

    My apologies for not dropping by to chat lately, or to say halo at least, but as you've probably noticed I was absent the last few months. With that being said, I hope you're doing great.
  8. Xanatos, it's been a while! (Again.)

    How are you?
  9. Yea, he's awesome, one of my favorite comedians. But why, your Pepsi avatar and sig were perfect, hilarious, though, this combination ain't that bad either. This might be a stupid question, but who's that characters in you sig, I don't recognize him.
  10. Hahaha! That's two comments on a drink being better than Pepsi! xD Oh, I love Dave Chappelle. He's an awesome comedian! =D I was just about to change my banner, too!
  11. Fanta beats both, Coke and Pepsi...but seriously, love your new sig, it made me laugh. Just so you know, I think both taste the same, as Dave Chappell once said, "can't taste the difference, but Pepsi paid me more recently so I guess it taste better".
  12. Despite being tedious it's well worth it, I'll agree with that. Leonhart is a must, so is Quistis Blue Magic, especially White Wind and Mighty Guard. Obtaining every GF in the game will make it much more easier, some of them have really nice abilities such as Auto Potion which is great if you have 100 X-Potions. I also suggest exploring the world of Final Fantasy VIII, you'll be surprised how many great things you can find, and don't be afraid to take challenges, Bahamuth, Ultima and Omega Weapon are worth beating, if for nothing than battle experience. Also, what party do you usually use?

    Yea, I've heard about that challenge, can't say I would be up for it, too extreme for my taste. You should see what Loaf is trying to do, actually he's almost done with it, it's called a Ocarina of Time Uber Challenge, there's a huge list of what you're not allowed to do and use, I shudder when I saw it. Patience's a grand virtue, good thing you have it, I myself am a hasty man but I'm working on it, I can see progress.
  13. Yeah, I get you but I find it to be beneficial because I just find when you Junction spells like Ultima to Strength and stuff like that, your guys become invincible! Oh, and using Aura and skipping turns is another thing that's nice, too! Limit Breaks come every two seconds. I'll get to the end of the game again. Hopefully, this time I don't fail and rush. I didn't even get the Lionheart in my previous save.

    Oh, you know what's a challenge? Trying to complete The Legend Of Zelda (The first one) without getting the sword. You have to use bombs and such to get to Ganon. I've never done it but it seems like pretty good fun. That's one thing I exceed at in games. Patience. My friend Adam tells me to get off a game after I die 100 times or something and I'm going red but I'll continue fighting until I win! xD Luck's always good.

    ='( I know she did this and I was expecting it but why does it have to be so hard without materia.
  14. Yea, the draw system can be tedious sometimes, especially when you have to draw the stronger spells later on in the game. Let me know if you ever decide to take on Omega Weapon, I developed my own strategy against that bastard, you could find it quite useful.

    This is my first actual challenge, if you don't count beating Link's Awakening with few handicaps. It's not that really hard, you just need to know what to do at particular moment, and to have an enormous amount of patience (which I don't have by the way) and a little bit of luck of course.

    I tried to warn you...
  15. I know. The only thing I don't like about it is the draw system! It's like farming in MMORPGs and it's really annoying to do. But, it's not that big of a problem, really.

    Oh, I couldn't do a lvl 1 challenge on anything but Kingdom Hearts. I hate getting into random encounters and just fleeing from them... The good thing is that the bosses don't give experience making it easier to keep at lvl 1.

    Oh, she stole my materia... Great. x'(
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