Conversation Between Unknownangel and bobbo087

42 Visitor Messages

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  1. Marry Christmas!
  2. Thank. The room thing failed because my oldest brother sleeps iin the room for now and its even more trashed.
  3. wow, that sucks man. Wel I hope you enjoy yourself at least.
  4. Yah and its going to be like that for a while....
  5. sounds like you had a busy day.
  6. Sick is a common thing for me because I got certain heath problems. I'm all right I still don't feel well waiting for the next 4 weeks to be over so I can stop waring the cast I have on. It was snowing really hard here so I hope I get a nice snowboard for x-mas so I can play in the snow. Mom and dad are visiting sis tomorrow. A lot of homework to do. Going to basketball games this week for band. And trying to get my room clean for sis to sleep in when she gets home.
  7. not much really, just sick, AGAIN! I get sick very easily but other than that not too bad, how about yourself? is everything alright on your side?
  8. Hey whats going on man, long time no see!
  9. I'm all right my bottom of my back harts. No surprise in that. That so bad. I hope it heals well. I got bit by my dog on Christmas day on my left hand middle finger. I think she like seeing my finger a tiny bit higher then the others.
  10. could be better I was bitten on my right hand by an American Bulldog and when he bit me he locked his jaws so it was pretty deep. but other than that not too bad yourself?
  11. Hey hows it going?
  12. I went top bad past 1:00 am and finally went down stares past 12pm possibly 1pm. Party is today for my b-day instead of yesterday. Just family that I know of. Busty these past few weeks.
  13. Extremely tired, I stayed up all night taking care of my wasted next door neighbor. you?
  14. So hows it going?
  15. Yah a lot of fun.Sometimes I do activities that might help me with it.Quite fun.Those its embarrassing.
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