Conversation Between Asectic and Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima

27 Visitor Messages

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  1. It Is Just The Way I Type Nowadays. It Sets Me Appart From Everyone, And Makes Me Unique. Plus It Is Now Etched Into My Brain...So Yeah.
  2. Damm! It sounded cool though.
    Yeah, that's what they told me too. So, elementary school adults really did have a purpose after all. I kinda stopped listening to them after we learned from the "Fully Alive" textbook. Man those lessons were terrible.
    I just noticed but what's with the caps in every word?
  3. Made 2 New Threads. Just Wanted To Give You A Heads Up On Them
  4. You Want To Try Sword Fighting Or Kenjutsu? And En Guarde Is Usually Something You'd Say For Fencing, Yeah...Hehe I Actually Think They Were Copper Roofs, And Over The Years Reacted With The Air(Oxydization) Which Turned Them Into That Greenish Color. It Is The Same Color As Oxidized Copper, Which I've Seen Before. Anyway, There Are Ways To Get Into The House Of Commons During Meetings And Such, But There Is Actually A Channel On TV That We Have That Has Live Video Feed From The House Of Commons Which We Can View Whenever But Only When There Is A Meeting Actually Happening In The House Of Commons. I Don't Watch That Stuff Though, Cause I Kinda Don't Care Much About It...XD
  5. No way! I want to try it, sounds majorly awsome!! D:<
    En guarde! Or is that for fencing?
    Oh yeah, did your teachers tell you why the Parliament buildings' roof is green colored?
    I wish I could visit there, at least once. It would be nice to take a quick glance, seeing how Politicans work and such. Ahahaha, but that'd be impossible wouldn't it? They're too busy with offical stuff to visit regular cizitens I suppose.
  6. Yes, I Do Live In The Capital City Of My Country, I Have Been To Parliament Hill Several Times Before, I Also Went There For Canada Day This Year, Which Was Awesome, But Also Really Hot...XD The Swords Are Made From Stainless Steel, Not Carbon Steel, And Are Unsharpened, But They Can Still Go Through Things(Stabing) They Cannot Really Cut Though, Since They Are Unsharpened. But If I Wanted To I Could Get Them Sharpened By A Professional. And So Far, I Have Not Had An Accident With Them Yet, Because I Know Very Well How to Use Them Without Hurting Myself. I Practice Like Every Day With Them...Hehe
  7. Woah, so you live in the capital of the country? That's so cool. Do you pass by the Parliament everyday?
    Nice! I was thinking of heading to Waterloo for Engineering possibly or some other place for Writing, if all else fails. I heard there's going to be a lot of competition in certain places. And from what I hear, Toronto just likes to mess with people's education. Make them inentionally hard I heard.
    The swords are real right? Have you ever had an "accident" with them?
  8. I'm Actually Still In High School, Needed Grade 12 College Level Physics For What I Wanna Do In College, Which Is Game Development, But I Also Needed Another 3 Credits Total To Get My Diploma...So Yeah. I'm Currently At Glebe Collegiate Institute High School. Apparently It Is The Best School In My City, So Thats Pretty Cool. I Live In Ottawa, Ontario, Canada By The Way. I'll Be Going To Algonquin College At Some Point Once I Save Up Enough Money For It. Anyway, Thanks And No, I Am Not Gonna Go Around Slicing People Up...I Can't With These Blades Yet Anyway. Even If They Were Sharpened, I Wouldn't Do That...Unless Someone Tried To Kill Me, Or Was Trying To Rob My House Or Something, Then We Would Have A Problem, And I'd Be Forced To Defend Myself With It Them...Hehe
  9. I'm guessing you're in post-secondary by now? Where do you go to?
    I pretty much have the same problem as you, ahaha. Teachers sure like to stress kids lots D:
    Impressive blade collection. I hope you don't go around slicing up people with them
  10. It's Going Alright I Guess. Just Got Homework To Worry About This Week. Hopefully, Everything Will Be Alright. I Love The Cloud Background Too. Thanks For Noticing It

    So, What Have You Been Up To Lately?
  11. Ohhh? So you check who's been where huh? Why, a person can't see what you're up to?
    Not sure why I did really. I love the Cloud background though.
    How's it going?
  12. Hey Athna I Noticed You Looked At My Profile Recently. What's Up? Did You See Anything You Liked On My Profile? Just Curious. I Sent You A Friend Request By The Way. Hopefully We Can Chat Later.
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