Conversation Between Pete and Taco-Calamitous

178 Visitor Messages

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  1. If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough?
  2. I heard you were a fool. What do you have to say in your defense?
  3. No worries man. I wasn't trying to call anyone out about anything, just trying to prevent it from turning into too much of a joke. We're all good though
  4. Sorry, I was a dick, and I knew it before I posted that.
  5. lol

    I just assume that when someone acts this stupid, they're a troll, but he's been somewhat active, posting his songs and such... Maybe he's just trolling in this thread?
  6. Is it possible that we've become so jaded that we can't tell anymore?
  7. I'm starting to think he's a troll. He's a troll, right? Nobody is that shamelessly douchey for real, are they?
  8. Good choices. If you can get it, a public school teaching job is pretty sweet. My gf is in a Catholic school, which is nice but not nearly as well paying as a public school job. Like any teaching job, get in the union and don't diddle any kids and you'll be golden.

    As for item 2, agreed.
  9. Spooniest guy is kinda pissin' me off now.
  10. Well, my first major is in poli sci, and my double major is education. Minoring in writing. Pretty much, I'm going for a certification in teaching history or social studies or something.
  11. Good for you man. What are you looking at getting into, school wise?
  12. I'm actually out now. Done forever. Thank goodness. Going to school on the GI Bill now.
  13. That's the truth. How's post military life treating ya?
  14. Yeah, Isaac and Ishmael gotta be pretty upset with their descendants right about now.
  15. Hahaha. The concept just blows my mind that Christianity, Judaism and Islam are all roughly the same thing, in the same region, with some tweaks, and we've been killing each other for 2000 years. Even sects within the groups. I still identify as Catholic, but the more I think about it, the more absurd the whole situation is
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 178
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