Conversation Between Joe and Pete

24 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah, the guy is a total ****. I'll be more than glad to tell my side of the story, but I don't even know if I work today. Nobody told me my start time yesterday, and I've called my manager twice today. I wouldn't mind a three day weekend, that's for sure.
  2. I work with a lazy douche like that jamacian too. Dude spends most of the shift standing around, speaks very unintelligibly, and is just kind of wasting time.
  3. hi five for liking awesome music!
  4. Jesus Christ. That's a LOT of doucheyness. Don't forget to try and spike your hair and get a fake tan or whatever to complete the costume
  5. I feel like everyone is going to be him now. My alternate plan is going as super douche. Wearing all 5 polos I own at once, popped collars and all, with my aviators and maybe a chain wallet.
  6. Billy Mays Halloween Costumes Get Family Endorsement - Tributes : This link is HIGHLY relevant to your halloween interests
  7. OH YEAH! I'm thinking I'll pop in Evil Dead any moment, as it's nearly dark, haha
  8. well, I'm starting up my V-day plans. Beer 1 is done. 11 to go
  9. haha, I hope I can expect your vote in the run for TFF's Biggest Geek. if I can't...I'll sic...someone on you, haha
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 24 of 24
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