Conversation Between Sato Arashi and Firefly

94 Visitor Messages

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  1. No, do I have a reason to?
  2. R u mad at me?
  3. good,u?
  4. Hey there, how's it going?
  5. Yea I know exactly how u feel.Right now I am babysitting my cousin who is a huge grand theft auto fan.Try having gun shots in your ear every second.
  6. So and so, nothing good to do right now.
  7. Hey Sato!How ya been?
  8. Well let's put it as I have a different sense of humor, nothing more.
  9. Oh,the funniest moment so far of my school years is when one of my guy friends was having a race in our school gym.While running he was making fun of the other guys racing him.While coming at the end of the gym(still racing and talking)he didn't look and hit the wall full speed!*laughs*U probaly don't think that is funny do u?
  10. Well none that I can think off, I usually discard those memories, I just can't really think of anything good.
  11. True,anyway anything hilarious happen in your first grade year?
  12. Well immaturity is different now because you were a kid back then, maturity wouldn't be a word to a kid until he/she reached their teens.
  13. Yea! They had to call the janitor in to help him get out.Its still funny to this day!Trust me if u saw it,you would be rolling on the floor laughing!I now I am immature,but it was so funny!
  14. His pants/shorts got glued into the chair and he couldn't get out right?
  15. LoL,man I remember my first grade year,I didn't like cuz this girl that sat next to me always stole my crayons!Oh,and u want believe this.One day one of my friends put glue on this one guy's chair and u won't believe what happens next!
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