Conversation Between NikkiLinkle and Illusion

89 Visitor Messages

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  1. Sounds tasty!

    Good luck with it, don't let it get you down.

    Me, I'm not sure. I think I'll go watch that Harry Potter movie and maybe Horrible Bosses. I'll also be watching football all weekend long, haha.
  2. Haha. I have some donuts actually. Danny got me some last night, he got 4 big ones for $5! That's a good deal.

    It'll pass on it's own. It always does. I feel a bit better now actually. Depression and stress is just a part of life unfortunately. But I'm a pro at beating it

    Are you doing anything enjoyable on your weekend?
  3. Aww, don't get depressed. Can I cheer you up some how?

    I say get some hot coffee and donuts. I don't know why that's the first thing that came to mind.

    I'm doing alright, a lot of work as always.
  4. I'm alright. Had a bit of stress at work this week. When I stress, I get depressed But things are bound to get better

    How's things for you? I am starving right now!
  5. Hey, how are you???
  6. Hilo LOL

    Just saying hi. Hope you're doing well if not well I wish you all the wellness you could possible need!
  7. Girrrrlll, I've out for some time!!!!
    How you do so far? All things cool?
  8. I would've, but 2 people have been away already this week! Lol. Oh well only 2 more working days to go The last few weeks have flown by!

    Maybe I should've called Link, Gizmo, instead lol. He messes around ALOT! Lol.

    Have you ever been to Disneyland? I would love to go. Looks so fun. Australia only has like 4 amusement parks. Doesn't America have like a lot of theme parks in each state? But it would cost so much to go I'm sure!
  9. You should have called in sick, haha.

    Gizmo. Sounds like a gadget name. Actually, I believe it is. . .
    It's a certainly an interesting name. Like for a cat that does a lot of messing around.
  10. Yeah. I'm, work, work, work. It was minus 1
    Degrees this morning! So cold. Did not want to get out of bed lol.

    I've thought of a GREAT name for a new kitten. Gizmo I plan on getting another next year, only if we get offered another lease on the house we're renting. Can't wait! I love kittens! They're so cute
  11. School, school, school.
    And football.

    I'm not having a good time so far, it's too hot for my taste, makes it hard to concentrate in work.

    Hope you don't get any more migraines, it sounds pretty bad.
  12. I am ok. I had a migrane last night. I've never had one before, it was horrible. I had to sleep it off. Other than that, not much is happening in my world lol. Pretty boring lol. It's very cold right now.
    How's things?
  13. How are you?
  14. Hehe... study breaks. Ah well. You need a break here and there, or you'll burn out.

    I only got Mario Kart and Wii Sports. I played the boxing game and I hurt my arm whilst punching the air too hard But it is fun lol. I'm going to get a game on the weekend, probably a Mario game.

    I'm ok. Had another issue with the lady at work yesterday. I told her to do something 3 times and she ignored me, so I told the supervisor and he agreed with me and told her the same thing. She's mad at me now lol. She doesn't like being told what to do. Which is necessary if you want to work lol.

    So looking forward to relaxing on the weekend
  15. Haha, hope you've got that fixed now. Can't let them cheat you out of your money.

    I'm alright girl.Study is something that has to be done with consistency, but. . .I do, how should I say it, give myself frequent study breaks.

    Cool, more possibilities for you now! Did you get any games?

    How have you been?
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