Conversation Between Fate and Ralz

4705 Visitor Messages

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  1. For too long has it evaded me. Hmhmhmhmhm...

    I'll see why you like it so much.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to be trapped in an endless trance of these games for AT LEAST a week.

  2. Finally gonna beat it, eh? =P
    OMG, Eternal Sonata! Allegretto, Claves, and Serenade = 8D
  3. I have done it. Just today, I went to purchase Star Ocean 4 International AND Eternal Sonata. ^^ (Both are PS3 games, if you're interested.)
  4. The two avatars present with me a problem. Perhaps I could put your avatar on SOU/Uni and I could use Meigumi's here? It's hard to please everyone.

    And thanks so much for it!
  5. I had cake. It was good. =)

    Woot, two avatars in one day. I feel so awesome to have everyone doing things for me! xD
  6. Cake...? Loool, I'm the one who was suppose to bring it! xD

    ...Whoops, I didn't see this until after I finished! ^_^" I made you an avatar instead. =)

  7. So, got the cake? I take only chocolate and double frosting. Not too light on the frosting, and certainly not too strong.

    Put "Ralz is the most epic person in the entire universe" on it.

  8. Happy, happy, happy birthday, Ralz! =D
    I'll have something for ya in a little bit, but I'm a tad busy with work currently. >.< But I'll have it!
  9. For the longest time, I thought I would forever have only level up, but these new classes with Quistis are great!

    And you're teamed up with...

    ...I hope I can skip to number 4.
  10. I'm not even going to try for reputation. It's impossible now that reputation power is gone. Everything is now a single point, so it's pointless. x3
  11. If you stay one here for many years, you could get a million views, then 50000 comments, then 1000 Usernotes, then 500 Reputation posts. (Can't surpass OceanEyes, who mysteriously has eleven green dots. o__O)
  12. Naw, the big number is already my award. =3 I don't wanna boast. x3
  13. You're in the lead of a lot of things. You should request an award.
  14. Of course I do! Ever since I got more views than Gemma, I've been in the lead. =3
  15. You're close to 30000 visits on your page. Could you potentially have the most visits as well!? o__O
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 4705
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