Conversation Between Yoko and 01habbo

84 Visitor Messages

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  1. Definitely having waaay too much with this phone. Its a portable computer, but also a phone. Its insane. XD
  2. I'm lurking XD
  3. It's either I'm really tired and hallucinating, or you're lurking again...
  4. Woah, I don't think I've ever seen you like this. I'll wait until you're online and we'll talk then. Aye?
  5. gah i woke up really peeved this morning, I'm still peeved, I think the more i think about that RP your in and more I come with reasons of why another character's thoughts shouldn't be in another post the more angry I get ><. It goes against the basic definition of an rp and my basic understaning, i just searched google just now alot of other sites don't allow it for the same reasons ><. I hate it when I get like this, I'm such a stickler for the rules and I'm so angry and put off from even putting our rp here arghhhh.
  6. Does this mean you're leaving me?
  7. I swear my head is spinning at the amount of rules this forum has lol, Not that there is much choice all the other forums are either lacking in rules, the community is rude or you can join dead forums ><. Was it to much just to expect a replicar of SF? lol
  8. So, I sent it off today. It SHOULD be there in 2-3 weeks...The lady didn't give me a tracking number or anything. To be honest, I don't think she knew what she was doing. Just keep a look out for it.
  9. It has some good entertainment. I haven't been on a lot lately...My life is going to pick itself up again soon. Which reminds me....
  10. Youtube is awesome XD
  11. Well twice on SF, once here because they don't like individual birthday threads...and I'll be sending out one in the mail...I could do youtube but I really don't feel like it.......Hmmm. So many possibilities.
  12. so far I've spotted FB and SF XD
  13. Happy Birthday!!!

    I wonder how many modes of communication I can wish you a happy birthday with...LOL
  14. Wow, that's a first. Thanks for that
  15. no you're not going crazy
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 84
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