Conversation Between Catalana and Diyala

57 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ah ! I wanted to ask u something the other day
    I'm really interested in knowing about the other and you are One of them
    If I'm not asking too much I want you to take some photoes for streets and buildings in France , I'm eager to know how they look .
  2. You translated very well You don't ruined what you translated at all
  3. thank you madame ==> that's how we call our teacher ^^
    It's beautiful Is it from a novel ? a poetry ? :]
  4. It's way more dazzling in its original I suppose
    I might have ruined the picture through my translation coz I'm no good in it ^^
  5. Are we walking through time , or is it He whose walking through us
    Are we even moving through it or still
    Where is the beginning , where is the end ,
    Has the longest part of it passed yet , or is it just the shortest that moved through pain and bitterness !
  6. Both ! There are so many languages I want to learn and I want to know the translation of these sentences by you ! ( Because one is you who wrote this and second I never trust translators like Google ^^ )
    And I'm curious
  7. Lool are you interested or curious ?
  8. What does it mean ?
  9. Yeah You're totally right <3
    Yeah, there are things that we have to never do it again I totally agree with you :]
  10. History is what makes the future , those who don't have history won't have a future .
    From history we learn ,admire and get inspired and take ideal examples , from history we know who we really are and can build the future that our ancestries believed in and wanted for the generations to follow. Somehow history can be the window to the future through which you can predict the coming decades and the form they will take .History repeats its self and people must know theirs and other nations' to learn , avoid mistakes and build better history that will scent its pages!
  11. Thank you
    This year because of High School I didn't have a lot of time for learning things like that by myself >.< So in 2 weeks it's summer break so I will read again my big history books and go find information haha I love history ^^ Every person has his favorite subject ^^
    It's a pity that this year I had a hopeless teacher who taught nothing to us
  12. Yeah , you are really interested in history ! I respect that
  13. Yeah ^^ It's a long story about a battle thousands years ago and one of the leader died and did with his own blood those marks on the shield of his friend when he founded Catalonia if my memory is good ... but I'm not sure
    Yeah I'm from the French part of Catalonia ;P
  14. I see , so those obviously weren't sticks haha finger marks with blood
    So what's with Catalonia , are your ancestries from there or ..?
  15. Haha xD Sorry I was so tired yesterday that ... I totally didn't understand what all people asked to me --'
    Well it's the "flag" of Catalonia ^^ The gold background with the four " blood " finger marks I have a pendant of this flag ^^
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