Conversation Between Meier Link and Rowan

32 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah it is odd. Shouldn't be there. Only two things that could of happened but an admin will more then likely be your best bet to get the issue resolved faster. Lococolt04 would be the admin I have seen activly posting lately. Might want to shoot him a message too.?
  2. I just messaged Oceaneyes about it. I only asked because it seems like I've had that on for far longer than 3 months. I've been well behaved.
  3. That's a very good question. After reviewing all of your warnings I can't find any that are active. The points should be leveled at 0 seeing you have no permanat warnings. Best to contact an admin to have them take a look in to it and see if they can't fix the problem.
  4. Hey bud. Just curious to know how long I have left on this warning and what it was for?
  5. Mine says she is haha but we haven't sat down to play anything. She says she plays with her kids. Most of the time we find ourselves chillin watching some crazy b rated horror flicks. We have the same taste in crappy movies heh.
  6. Although I should count myself lucky, my girlfriend is a gamer too and doesnt mind if we go to mine to kick back and play games while she watches a movie or something. Still, any time is quality time haha
  7. Yeah I understand that. Recently I have been on a netflix kick and haven't used my ps3 for gaming in a month. My new girl takes up most of my free times and atleast a few evenings of the week.
  8. Well thats decent amount of time. Sounds like you have it all sorted. I dont nearly play games as much as I used to anyway, since I work full-time I would probably play from 7pm onwards until about 10:30 , weekends are usually spent with my girlfriend so thats about it.
  9. My kiddos are young 2 and 4 so they don't game with me yet haha. Yet being the key word haha. As for time they go to bed between 7 and 8 and I am up til 1130 or later every night. I don't really sleep. Also when they go to their moms house for her visitation I get time to myself to game.
  10. How do you find time to game with 2 boys? Are they old enough to join in? that would be kind of cool.
  11. hey there. I had an idea about the eliminations since it seems to be dragging on. Perhaps after a couple more people are eliminated, only allow for points to be deducted from people as oposed to giving points. That would end it much sooner. Just a thought.
  12. Thanks for that heads up. At the time I did have malwarebytes on my old pc but didn't ever put it into safe mode to run it. Will have to remember that if I have a simularproblem again. It was really frustrating at the time and I felt like trying to put my head through a cinder block wall haha.
  13. just saw a thread you posted ages ago about a virus on your computer that you couldnt get rid of. I've had to deal with similar viruses many times at work and thought it would be worth mentioning to you how to deal with any such occurance in future. Malwarebytes is the most efficient software for removing addware/trojan etc. Many virus' these days are disguising themselves as legitimate processes which make them undetectable using any normal method. If you think your computer is runny choppy as hell or you have one of those "you have 30 virus on your computer" softwares disguised as legitimate programs, you need to boot your PC in safe mode which will only run the necassary processes to function your computer, then once its booted up, running malwarebytes will be able to remove anything that would otherwise be hidden. Its the best way to deal with viruses.
  14. Herro
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