Conversation Between Dodie16 and Zargabaath

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  1. Happy Birthday, Zargs!!!

    And now, I present you with a lovely birthday haiku:

    Happy birthday hap
    Happy birthday happy birth
    Happy birthday hap

    EDIT: Holy cow, check dem 7's!

    <--- Your pageviews
  2. I've mostly been playing handheld games too. As for which version, it's Persona 3 Portable. I have plugged soooo many hours into the game already, and I think I'm only just over a little halfway through. Gotta play it again to do the Female Main Character's story, so...definitely getting my money's worth out of this title.
  3. Still haven't eaten but will be soon. Anyhuma, what version of Persona 3 are you playing? I have yet to play the game still, lol. I haven't been playing much of my console stuff mainly handheld.
  4. I plan to spend my last earthly moments playing some more Persona 3. Nothing like a little Cosmic Horror Story among high school kids to really set the mood for the incoming doom. I should also get some food in my belleh too. Wouldn't want to see teh end on an empty stomach! EDIT: I ate some fried chicken that I dipped in honey, then ate a scoop of chocolate ice cream. Double chocolate ice cream. Mmmm~

    Happy afterlife to you as well!
  5. I thought to say good-bye to you before the end of the world comes upon us. Hope you enjoy these last few hours. I'll think I will go eat since I haven't yet today and would like one last meal. Happy Afterlife!!!
  6. ^^

    That was really nice of them to do that. Mmm... Sushi is yummers too. Great send-off! Usually I hear about people getting cake or something when co-workers throw a party for whatever reason, which is also good, but sushi is sooo much more satisfying.
  7. Playing some Tactics Ogre. Today at work my boss & co-workers threw a going away party for me. My boss got me some sushi which shocked me that she would get that for me with cost and all.
  8. Not a whole lot, tbh. I played a bit of Mother 3 with a TFFer earlier, but now there's nothing much exciting going on. How about yourself?
  9. Hey woman! What are you up to this night?
  10. I would say she may feel a bit jealous.

    She got there but being as she is she is scared and doesn't like the place because she is living with two men she doesn't know. She'll have to work through that if she wants a family as she has said before.

    If Christopher Walken offered me anything I feel might be obligated to take his gift. His words would compel me.
  11. Florida??? That's quite surprising to hear, but I'm glad she finally got a place to stay. Good news for her at freaking last. What's the deal with the dad's wife though? Did she feel threatened by her or something? (not in a "violent" sense, but in a more jealous sense of the word...that's what it seems like to me anyway )

    Good luck with the interview! If you see Christoper Walken working in the Beyond section, and he offers you a universal remote, don't take it. Things will only end in tears. (Click reference )
  12. Well my girlfriend is on her way to Florida. She's driving down there. She started from Baltimore, MD. She was staying with a friend there. A total of 855 miles and she at 12 and a half hours of driving. Her grandfather & youngest uncle live down there. I believe her dad will be moving down there as well. He was going to bring her to NY, though his wife didn't want that. He told my gf that if his wife and him didn't end their spat he was taking my gf and himself to FL to live.

    Oh, I have an interview with Bed Bath & Beyond this Saturday.
  13. I usually check online for jobs but I feel that it does no good. I probably feel that way since I hardly anything comes from it. Perhaps with a personal appearance there could be a better connection. Its pouring and I saw some lightning: my sister relayed that the GM said "right now he does not have room for another host, but would keep me at the top of his list". My sister did offer the news that a Chick-Fil-A near the apartment is hiring and she thinks they pay above minimum wage; of course that could just mean like $7.50 since minimum wage is at $7.25.

    I plan on going up there today and seeing what's up. Then checking other places in the area to see if they are hiring. It will be gas but I feel like it is necessary. Now that I remember, the Chick-Fil-A is just a drive-thru so I couldn't really go up there. I guess the internet for that. Now that I've checked with the Chick-Fil-A website it says that each store is separate unto itself, therefore I must contact the store I would like to possibly get a job. Now the phone is required.

    My mom doesn't have a problem with my gf and they get along fine; just that it went against her "principles". I brought up a point how taking her in is apart of her principles or at least something she should do, but she didn't take to kindly to me pointing that out. As stated previously, my girlfriend should have money left over that she could have payed my mother for some rent but that matters not to my mom.

    With her dad it could be a bit awkward since she has just established contact/ a relationship with him. Though I have said he does want to make up for lost time it would be a prime opportunity to help out his daughter. My mother asked if any of her other friends could take her in. I went through the list of friends of her I know and none are able. There are two friends that don't live in the area. One in the D.C. area and an other in the Baltimore area. The Baltimore friend may be an option. I just have to talk to her whenever she calls to let her know what is up which is one of the problems now - not being able to call her when needed.
  14. Geez Zargs... When it rains, it pours, eh? :/ Your mom and GF get along okay, right? Does she just not want to/can't take on the extra occupant? Well, I'm glad there's still options for her living conditions available to her. Though in my humble opinion, if she can stay with your sisters, that would probably be ideal since you're planning to head there too once your eldest sis leaves. Living with her dad wouldn't be too shabby either, but it's a pretty far distance to travel.

    Do you check for employment online at all? Many places are just telling people to do that anyway. It would save you gas, and you can just chill in your pajamas while you look for a job!

    Hosting doesn't sound bad. I did a bit of that before, and the time just seemed to fly by while I was working that position, which was a plus. That seems like pretty good money too for what you'd be doing. Good luck on finding another job too. ^^
  15. Bad news. Mother said girlfriend can't stay here till I move to apartment when she returns. None of her friends can take her in so she may have to call her dad and ask even though she wanted to ask when she went up around mother's day. My mother suggested to see if my sister's could let her stay with them. Since I plan to be moving in there when my elder sister leaves in June. My girlfriend should have some money left over after she pays what she needs to when she returns so she can help contribute.

    I may have to dip into my deceased aunt's fund that she left me primarily for school to help her and myself in getting a second job (more on the jobs later) because what I'm making now I can't go out to places to apply due to gas prices; no extra gas money. I have been against using it because I know that money won't always be there whenever I get into a tight spot but it may come down to "I got to do what I got to do".

    On the job front. I took my drug test today for Wal-Mart though unless I can transfer to another store once I'm in I doubt I'll keep the job - too far. With Longhorn Steakhouse, the GM said he won't hire people to serve w/o experience but he could hire me as a host; they make around $4/hr plus tips averaging around $10. Which I'll still take and told my sister that. I said I would prefer 25-30 hrs/wk though would be ok with 20-30. With that I would want to get a second job for around $8/hr with 20-30 hours as well.
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