Conversation Between Victoria and Rocky

38 Visitor Messages

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  1. from what he told me, he did it because he wanted to move on from tff, but later he felt that he couldn't move on, so yeah. =|
  2. lol I know. xD
  3. idk ask him not me lol.
  4. Since thread was closed:


    I don't even... What?

    *Brain explodes* Why delete your account if you're just going to stick around and read shit anyway?!?! THIS MAKES NO LOGICAL SENSE! AHHHHH&#$#&$^#*$^#*
  5. what when did you chinge your name lol
  6. happy birthday Sheena!
  7. Haha. XD
    ...I don't know the answer to page 3... I suck. D:
  8. haha, oh whoops, I was talking about the next one, my bad!
  9. .....They're letters to begin with!
  10. yeah, you have to turn it into letters, and then after that you have to do some other stuff as well. Refer to Polk's post if you have any questions.
  11. What ticks and dots? There aren't any. On the third page it's just cryptic code letters. There aren't any dots and ticks.

    And if you translate the letters into dots and ticks, and go back to letters, it's the same cryptic letters. o_o
  12. you dont translate the sound, you translate the ticks and dots into letters.
  13. Are you sure it's 'morse code', cause morse code is sound. Last I checked, garbled letters aren't sound. XD
  14. Yeah that's what I thought, haha.
  15. nah, I never changed my name at all. But you're right, I was mostly lurking for awhile. I was friends with danni girl back in the day if you remember her. Other then that, after she left I stopped coming back here for awhile until april of 08.
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