Conversation Between Sinister and Dimi

34 Visitor Messages

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  1. There was a bus bomb scare. I was walked on by a huge bug with one of the most painful stings in the world. I caught Swine Flu or some sort of 14 day flu... Plus, I drank a lot and tried to touch Jasmin inappropriately. They eventually kicked me out... lol j/k... It was mostly ok. What have I missed?
  2. Haha. I've been alive...just not as alive on here. And Disneyworld? You're lucky. How did it go?
  3. Are you? lol. Hadn't heard from you in a while. But for the last two weeks I was in...*drumroll* Disneyworld...
  4. You still alive on this forum these days?
  5. Me? I'm fine. What about you? How the hell are you? Been a while, right? We should chat soon...
  6. SIN!!!!! How the hell are you bro?!
  7. ...
  8. Yea, it was suggested to me... After I was told that I looked like a petable kitten... ^^;;
  9. Hahahaha. Love the sig.

  10. Join him on his last day before matrimony grabs him by the balls. If you have any questions or concerns or drink recommendations, contact Fish Kelish at 555-7859.
  11. Wow. You actually changed your name. Hopes this doesn't affect calling you "Bro".
  12. BRO! Get on MSN as soon as you can. Xeim and I want to talk to you!!!
  13. BRO!!! How have you been man. Long time since I've talked to you.
  14. You're a great friend. If I haven't mentioned this before...then I'm nowhere near as good a friend as you are. -Sin
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 34
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