Conversation Between Victoria and OceanEyes28

34 Visitor Messages

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  1. Honestly this whole issue has gotten way out of hand, IMO. People have been assigned to the tasks, and as far as the latest topic goes, we're pretty much waiting for Kilala to come back, so there's not much we can do until then.
  2. Part 2
    And then blaming the lack of contribution solely on me? That's just outlandish. I don't control the members' lives. I don't control their accounts. So it's not my responsibility if they don't contribute. Hell, at the beginning of last month or something like that, I said "Okay, we need more ideas. If anyone has any, please feel free to bring them to the table." or something to that effect.

    And almost a month later, no one said anything at all. So that's not my responsibility.

    Also, really? Calling me immature now? That's rich. Immature would be continuing this discussion in the club thread. But I didn't. I left you a private "no thanks" and a VM explanation as to why. I mean, what would be more mature than that? Not leaving any sort of rep at all and just ignoring it?

    Bottom line/TL DR: Really, Ally... what do you want from me? It seems there's some sort of misunderstanding going on.
  3. Uh, what?

    I'm sorry, I think you misunderstand something. I wasn't excited for that petty of a reason. I don't know why you think I'm that kind of person. I didn't even want to be one of the leaders, she just made me one. If anything, Fate fit your description better than me. At least, IMO, anyway.

    And no, not really the 'instant I had to do something', more like I overworked myself with what I wanted to do, and I got burned out. I mean, I didn't have to volunteer to make the adoption thread. But I did, because I wanted to do something.

    But I burned myself out. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm not taking responsibility for what I did/didn't do, but it's like, what do you want me to do?

    Though technically calling me out for not doing something is like calling the kettle black because you didn't do what you said you were going to do either.
  4. Your maturity knows no bounds. I'm afraid you won't get any negative rep from me, but I know you'll live.

    I got the way I did because you were real excited to take over leadership of that club and tell everyone what to do, but the instant you had to actually do something (like create a thread), you decided you couldn't be bothered to do it. Huh.
  5. I left a bit of "negative rep" because I didn't want to respond to the post with an off topic post, so I figured I'd do that instead.

    I dunno. I guess I'm insecure or whatever you wanna call me. I don't really see any other way I could have responded to the tone of your post.
  6. Helloooo sister. How are you lately?
  7. Don't worry, I cleaned it up already. At least all I could find. I'm not sure if there's more or not that I missed.
  8. I have no idea why everyone is all pissed off.
    I mean, even three people decided not to talk to me anymore. So eh.. o_O;
  9. But yeah. I figured, "Oh, I'll tell her when she comes on MSN."
    I didn't feel like waiting right then. ^^;;;
  10. You weren't on at the time, how could I? >_>;
    And besides, if you really want to, you can un-delete it and re-delete it yourself.
  11. I'm very sorry it offended you. But I really don't enjoy having another staff member deleting my VMs. Next time, just talk to me and I'll delete it myself, okay?
  12. I don't like this at all... this sucks. It isn't funny anymore. It's to the point where I'm getting slandered for being a transgender. Where's the fun in that?
  13. Even though we cleared things up on MSN... just for the sake of... well, for the heck of it... I am sorry I brought it up with you while I was in a sour mood. Long night at work. I think I was doing the uber-girl thing and getting mad about you not telling me rather than what you didn't tell me about. Teehee. Anyway. Misunderstanding.

    And hey, by the time you get this... good morning!
  14. You can just as easily undelete it, you know. =P
    And besides, you said yourself you wrote that before you looked into her profile, so I figured, that uh.. it was actually moot. >_>;

    But you're right, I should've told you. Sorry.
  15. Just because someone reports a VM doesn't mean you NEED to delete it. I didn't insult anyone, and while yes, she got a warning, it's still something to think about in the future. Also, as a fellow staff member, could you please let me know if you're going to delete something I write? Thanks.
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