Conversation Between IceColdPillow and Unknown Entity

29 Visitor Messages

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  1. I had to laugh - you wrote a paper on it? Did anything happen? =O

    Maybe I will! =D
  2. My thoughts exactly, I wrote a paper about our schools decision, we're losing alot of teachers due to cuts and my classes got all messed up, so i basically i wrote it was probably to fund our principals fetish for little boys [looooong story with these wackos in my school haha]
    Ah, well once, I found a model of Clouds big sword, and other videogame things :] So maybe you'll get lucky!
  3. Schools are just... screwed. Everyone involved thnk that what they are doing is for the best, when really it's not. ><

    Ah right. Guns aren't really my thing unless they are in a video game, but other random stuff you say? I might check it out. =D
  4. Ah, odd you say that, my current school just screwed over all the students and staff[I read your thread xP]

    Its a big flea market type thing but instead of stuff, people sell guns, ammo, weapons, knives and other random stuff that even has nothing to do with guns haha. There the best, you should try to go to one sometime:]
    Yeah my friends are pretty badass xD
  5. I miss the place greatly, and I'm upset with all the changes that are being made there. ;__;

    A gun show?
    Ah cool! Friends are teh best. =]
  6. Bah! you miss it? Just got back from a gun show xD heading to hang out with some friends soon!
  7. Meh... just my old school. ><

    How about you? =D
  8. woo hoo! So whats goin on otherwise?
  9. Haha, tell me about it! XD
    Ok, we can be cousins. =D
  10. alright i'll include the "ermmm" part, haha. Your loony and relatively odd cousin? [these things get hard, its tough to be original haha].
  11. Your... ermm... FFVII fangirl... aunt? =D

    What do you want to be known as? =]
  12. gasp! thats wonderful! What shall i call you O_o?
  13. Sudden, yes. But I like your style - where do I sign? XD
    Yeah sure, I'd love to be in your family. =]
  14. Hey! just swooping in to say hello :] hmm I know this seems sudden and straight to the point, but i just started a family, and its lacking in members, would you do me the honor of joining? :]
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