Conversation Between Unknownangel and Hiromi Kikawada

38 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks. i have some bad holiday history.
  2. Awww... it was raining? T_T.
    And you broke your thumb? o.O

    Oh my... it seems like your having a bad time... T_T. I hope things get better for you soon..

    *sends good wishes*
  3. yah.We couldn't play because it was raining so I'm bombed out...oh good news, I broke my thumb on thanksgiving...just kidding...well, about the good news part..and today my heath hasn't been doing well since I forgot to take the stuff to make it better because of the pills I have to take to keep the swelling down..and,yah. But other than that i'm fine.
  4. Thanksgiving parade?! O_O. ooooh... how did it go?

    Did you have fun? :3

    I actualy didnt know it was Thanksgiving. O_O. I have forgotten...
  5. Yah.Its hurting again yesterday night and today but its better.And I hope its stays like that because I'm marching in the thanksgiving parade.
  6. Aww... :< I really hope your back gets better then...

    4 years is a lot. O_O.
  7. Yah. I had back problems for 4 years.
  8. Aww... back problems... D:> Must be painful...

    I know how that would be like, i always have back ace after studies. T^T.

    I hope it gets better, your back. O_O.
  9. All right I got back problems. Its normed kind of it been a while. It started from a accident a few years ago.But other than that I'm doing good. Thinking about a few things like always.
  10. OwO. Dissidia is really addicting! I warn you! XD

    BTW, how are you doing these days? Your health and all...
  11. Yah it was good. I'll see if I can get it.
  12. Wow. x3 Sounds like so much fun. :3

    So you did cosplay? *_*. I Love cosplay. >w<. (i do cosplay too...)
    I didnt do anything on halloween because my family dont celebrate it.
    But im so glad to hear about your halloween. ^^. ~

    Oh... dont feel well? D:> Health problems? I hope you get better soon. u_u. ... ^^.

    Oh, Dissidia Final Fantasy, i mean. :] Its a great game, and you should get it!
  13. Oh I also got a fur rim hood leather brown jacket and a black plush like cheeps I named Moca like the Coffer.
  14. Whats Dissidia I don't thinks so. For b-day my grandma made me an Organization outfits its really cool. Dad, mom, and I made the keyblade. I got tennis shoes for tennis from aunt just now. Two cookbooks from bro. Book 5 of Leven Thumps. I got book one and two of The Alchemist by Michael Scott. Cloths. And card. And I think thats all. But one of my Bros still needs to give me 3 more presents from last year. I had a good time on Hallooween. I was Roxas except for the hair. Then I watch Night Mare Before Christmas. And yah. Went to a friends well two friends that are sisters play with some church friends and such. They were really good.. They got kissed. And thats really exciting to us because of some thinks. And right now I not feeling so well. Maybe heath problems or something, but yah I doing fine.
  15. Oooh, late happy birthday to you then. ^^.

    What kind of presents?
    BTW,Do you have Dissidia? OwO.

    That hat smilie is cute. XD
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