Conversation Between loaf and Rhaps

28 Visitor Messages

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  1. Are you coming onto me?
  2. I knew it was you, cause you was best lookin dude over there.
  3. Yea, about that "critical mass". I'm gonna need that back.
  4. Critical mass is being reached
  5. the usual you know
  6. So how was saving Christmas from the Nazis this year
  7. Futurama. The episode where Bender becomes a Pharaoh and the guy in my Avatar is saying a joke about the guy who just died. "we will now commend him to the damned....The damned good looking!"
  8. Your avatar looks familiar, what show/movie was it on?
  9. lol oh that.

    Nah it was my mess around file. I just had nuthin but that Green Drank.
  10. wha?
  11. You must have a lot of fairies O.o
  12. I aint got no problems withyou. Thanks for the VM
  13. I know you aren't quite fond of me, but happy birthday nonetheless!
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 28 of 28
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