Conversation Between Sarah and Rikkuffx

22 Visitor Messages

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  1. I'm alright. I've been a bit preoccupied, though. Studying and other random time consuming things. Sorry that I haven't gotten back to you yet because of it,.

    How are you?
  2. Hey how ya doing?
  3. Hmm I honestly dout me and her are related but i dont know alot of my dads side so we possibly could be. Hmm.
  4. Hey. Sorry, that I haven't gotten back to you yet. I've been busy. I have no idea what her name is... first or last. Haha. A lot of help I am, huh?
  5. Well, it's simple to figure out. I do have MSN, but I think answering one question could settle it. Have you ever been to Fall River or know people from Fall River?
  6. Hmm I get the "You look familar" thing alot but do you have msn?we can try to figure it out LOL
  7. Um.... this may be weird, but I think I may know you from somewhere. I just noticed the location, and I always thought you looked familiar. Maybe I'm just trying to associate things too much.
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 22 of 22
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