Conversation Between Clint and Rowan

132 Visitor Messages

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  1. I was thinking about reporting him for that one, but he's really not worth the effort. I'd rather keep his comment on my page to show off how much of a douche bag he really is.
  2. yeah theres trolling and then theres being an abusive little twerp.
  3. I would too if I took him seriously. He's too insignificant to be mad at some ignorant shit he tries to start. He's just a troll. Best not to feed him.
  4. I'd smack the crap out of this kid for what he just said to you.
  5. His version of trolling is harassment, really. At least when we do it, we're funny about it. And we don't even do it that often. I probably do it more than you, but like 75% of the time, I'm being serious. Like right now!

    I don't know. I guess he's just dumb.
  6. I think I broke Ezio.
  7. I'm not sure. I had tightness in my throat for the good part of the spring this year because I thought I had lymphoma. The way I see it, hypochondria is a mental disorder dealing with anxiety, and like any mental disorder, it can be controlled. I told myself that everything that I was feeling was in my head, and I convinced myself to believe it, and it worked. My symptoms all went away within a couple of days.

    Essentially, it's an anxiety disorder. If you can focus your mind, calm yourself down, and understand how irrational you're being, you can control it.
  8. In all honesty, how do you deal with it? Being a hypochondriac, I know that im not allowed to google symptoms, I have to exercise frequently, try not to eat bad foods and stop myself from going to the doctor for things that are often all too simple. Knowing this doesn't even help me, I cant even stop myself from getting in hysterical fits sometimes. I thought I had testicular cancer and was gonna die, I constantly keep thinking I have lung issues and/or brain tumors. I recently heard about scoliosis and now I think I might have that. People really dont understand what its like to be paranoid about your health. Its horrible.
  9. Hypochondria is a horrible disease, and for somebody who hasn't been to a doctor in five years, it's terrifying!

    Eh, it's not so bad. If 9/11 couldn't bring me down, I'm sure I could kick cancer's ass if it ever comes a knocking on my door.
  10. I was lol'in at your convo with ezio when I read that you're a hypochondriac, I totally am too!
  11. I think it's very well possible that they're the same person. A narcissistic bitch doesn't develop a stalker overnight. And real people don't like having creepy ass stalkers. Besides, ever since The Womanizer showed up, all he's been doing is kissing the ass of the Shallow Piece Of Shit.

    What was your research? I'm intrigued.
  12. hahaha. I certainly do, sir. aye you think they are the same person? I reckon fake so hard man. Noone can talk about themselves that much and not be a complete narcasist or fake. BTW, I done did some research and come up with some interesting results.
  13. It's so easy to get a rise out of the *****-whipped womanizer and the shallow piece of shit. They're a pretty dumb duo.

    I didn't want to name names, so I substituted with personality characteristics. I'm sure you know who I'm talking about.
  14. Yeah, that one I can't excuse. That's just straight up trolling.
  15. lmao
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