Conversation Between Casanova[OCAU] and Rikkuffx

28 Visitor Messages

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  1. oh just working i have a cold right now so it really sucks lol
  2. haha I just had a quiet one at home this year with the girlfriend. A new shopping centre opened on my side of the city recently. checked it out today. it's gianormous. how about you?
  3. Have a good new years hunnie!!whatcha been up to?
  4. merry christmas to you too!
  5. I've been ok. Been promoted, so I have taken on a lot more responsibility. Merry Christmas.
  6. How have you been hun?
  7. just been working alot lol
  8. haha it's been a while.. and ooo what are yu doing now?
  9. You're barely on Tff or msn I miss you!!!
  10. yea I got a new job so ive been busy lol
  11. work -_- i can't believe how much time full time work takes up
  12. whatcha been up to?
  13. heyy you!! <3
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 28 of 28
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