Conversation Between nix and Xanatos

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks buddy, stay awesome!
  2. Happy birthday old chap!
  3. Only two movies were actual recommendation (Goodfellas & Lucky Number Slevin), others just happen to be the ones I saw most recently...

    and thank you.
  4. I haven't agreed with any of your movie recommendations as of late, but anyway..

    Happy birthday pal!
  5. Ah i may have been over harsh, i played Tekken tag and wasnt fond of it so i kinda gave up on the game there, i was also big into PC gaming after Tekken 3, i guess the more accurate thing to say was my interest in beat em ups went to shit
  6. If you don't mind me asking, kinda curious to be honest, what do you mean by and I quote "Tekken games went to shit after Tekken 3"?

    I played every Tekken game to death, and while Tekken 3 is still my favorite I have to admit, newer games have more quality and better replay value. They actually cared to flesh out characters beyond the final CGI animations, the entire plot is connected rather well with older games, add to it more characters (Tekken 6 for instance has even more characters than Tekken Tag), new moves, way better balance while still keeping that Tekken feel (not as pro as Street Fighter but not as amateur as Mortal Kombat), and most importantly lot of new options and modes to go through (you can actually customize your characters, nothing on par of Soul Calibur of course, but still interesting and entertaining). Just my take on it though.
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 21 of 21
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