Conversation Between Zargabaath and Taco-Calamitous

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  1. My primary job is working on the dual rails for the cargo plane, which are used to secure the pallets in place. We also deal with the air plane equipment such as fire bottle, O2 bottles, crash axes, first aid kits, troop seats, etc. It is a really lax job, great for getting some schooling done and a nice break from the hell that is the flight-line.
  2. I had it on to start, but then when Dallas went ahead I got frustrated and turned it off for a while, heh... I was working on a song. Then I turned it back on, and it was already in the 4th quarter. Saw the "catch" Dez Bryant made, and immediately called it a dropped pass. Of course I was right Gosh dang, I wish I would've just left it on. Sounds like Rodgers was a hero again today. He is definitely the guy. Also, -21? Is that where you're working or something? Heh.
  3. -21.

    I believe testing this year is in February so I would have to sew on some time before that but none of my AF buddies know the cut-off. Were you able to watch the Packer game today? Quite intense. One of my room-mates is a Cowboy fan so we were kind of going at each other. We also invited a couple of friends - good time.
  4. I think you do test if you sew on in January. Maybe even if you sew on in March; not really sure. You're not on the flight line though? What're you doin'? You in debrief now or something?
  5. Lol. You would bring a calamity to them. I sew on the 28th of this month. I am unsure if I will test or not (I asked my roomie who is unsure as well), but I do not want to make it. Right now, I am off the flight-line and life/work is so much better. Plus, I am not too fond of writing EPRs, they seem to be a big hassle.
  6. Heh... I think that's just the way of the Air Force; everything is a cluster ****. Everything has to be done in the way that causes the most stress. There will always be NCOs and Officers who actually care about their people, but the Air Force itself? Heh...

    But yeah; I kept on getting told I would be getting out soon for like a year. Actually over a year. Then it kept getting pushed back.

    By the way; I sew on Senior Airman on Monday. I'm guessing you already got there, right? We'll be testin' for Staff this year... lord help my troops if I get it, lolol.
  7. Our process to move out was quite horrible as well. We were told that some of us at our shop could apply to get out the dorms early. We had to get some documents and write a letter to our commander as to why we felt we should be able to leave the dorms. Well no-one really helped us with format so that was a struggle. So we think we get everything we need go to our first shirt and... we need another letter; this one from our commander's viewpoint to the Colonel in charge of the dorms. So we keep ****ing up the format because nobody knows how the hell it should be, we're burning through the rainforest printing off papers only to shred them when we notice an error.

    We finally get it approved by our commander then send it to the Colonel. I go TDY to Vegas for pretty much the month of June. My flight chief texts me she has my approved dorm move-out package. She eventually PCSs to AZ while I am away and I call the new flight chiefs to see if they haven't lost it - they did. So I got the apartment with my friends and I technically don't have approval. Luckily I made a copy of the package up to my commander's signature so all I needed was for it to be routed to the Colonel again. So, I ghosted for most of July when I finally got my package approved again.

    I went to dorm management to start my final-out and they were like we can do the initial brief thursday (which was the next day) and the final out friday; I was hoping for sometime that next week but they weren't taken appointments. I had to rush to clean everything, which wasn't terrible, since I cleaned every weekend plus I hadn't been there for two months practically. The dorm mgnt personnel asked if I was ready to final out thursday because of how clean it was. I told him I still had some stuff to do like the bathroom which was, by his eyes, already good. Next day my final out took less than two minutes and was the third perfect room he did for a final out in the year he has been with dorm mgnt. Overall it took my 5-6 months to get everything done - a terrible mess of a process.
  8. Actually I didn't tell you the best part about my process of moving out; they wanted me to be out on Christmas eve. I was going on leave to Oregon in two days when they gave me my letter, and I wouldn't be back until the day after Christmas. They wouldn't give me an extension. So I spent the last two days before going on leave running around getting everything ready. Gave the power of attorney to my supervisor; he helped me out a lot in this process. Also let me leave my stuff in his spare room and crash at his place when I got back until my apartment was ready. Friggen' dorm managers though... I'm glad I don't have to deal with them anymore. The lady in charge should not be in a position where she is in charge of other people's living conditions; she clearly doesn't care about them, and she always acts bitchy whenever interacting with anyone-including my supervisor. Also, I asked the people who are still in my old suite today, and they told me no one is in my old room yet. They NEEDED my room. *nod*

    Dayum man, what a struggle, lol. I can't even cook. Or at least I don't try to.
  9. Yeah... I would be wary of Craigslist as well. I got lucky. My co-worker was looking at places and already had 1 person, he was needing a third. I was friends with both of them so I joined the group.

    A real problem out here for me is getting the ingredients I need for cooking. The struggle is real: I had to get a loaf of Italian bread from Subway b/c no grocery store sells it.

    Did you go home for any of the holidays?
  10. I mean, that would've been ideal probably, but I don't really know anyone out here that I could've moved in with. I thought about Craigslist, but I was STRONGLY advised against that by supervision, heh...
  11. I was thinking of getting a single bedroom apartment, but with two room-mates I am making more money. Plus, the apartment I am in now is way better with amenities and the area is in the nice part of town.
  12. Heh. I can say something, but it pretty much has to be through someone else. This isn't a rule or anything; I just notice that whenever I even so much as raise my voice a little bit, that's "inappropriate," haha. None of the NCOs have bad reps, really, although there was one that all the airmen hated, heh... (that individual is gone now, though. Thank goodness.) And nah man, I'm living on my own. One bedroom apartment all to myself. First time in my life. It's kinda nice, because I can be a recluse, heh.
  13. Nah, the "we" I speak of is my room-mates and I; we moved out late June last year. Dang, you got that eternal silence of ye. I feel ya on NCOs they can be a hassle at times, but like any boss they'll have problems. Unfortunately, the prospects out here are bad; most have unsavory reputations.

    Do you have any room-mates.?
  14. Yeah, I got out there one time at the beginning of the year, and that was it, heh. I thought it was pretty awesome, though. I just haven't gotten anyone else to go out there with me again.

    2014 was a rebuilding year, more or less, heh... I wasn't getting along with the people I worked with super well for a while during the summer/fall. Things got better towards the end of the year though. I'm more or less not allowed to say anything to anyone anymore though, heh... Every time I do, I get pulled into an office and told I need to be nicer, essentially. Kids are dumb. NCOs are lazy (unless they're a brand new one. My current supervisor still cares a lot. He's cool.) So it goes. I did just get an apartment. It's got pretty much all the stuff I need, but I would like a coffee table or something for the living room. Also gonna take classes online with Oregon State starting next week.

    You were saying "we." Do you have a significant other out there now? Did you tell me about this before? Am I a jack ass and don't remember things? Heh.
  15. Quite good for the situation. We're getting some new furniture for the apartment so the place will be looking real nice. Tomorrow we shall be picking up our new dining table. I haven't been gaming much lately. There is a lack of urge to game. My time is spent hanging with some people or cooking. Work has been quite pleasant.

    How was your 2014 in AR? Did you ever make it down to the Flying Saucer? There is a not too shabby place near me, a local brewery and they serve brick oven pizzas; the best in the area according to my expertise. It is a pretty much the best place to be friday or saturday nights. There are two bars in the area but they are not that good. Slim pickings. Usually we just got to the house party for the weekend or occasionally host.
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