Conversation Between Freya and Taco-Calamitous

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  1. It's okay lady :3 I just wanted to make sure I hadn't peripherally made you mad by goings on. Life is happening for you quite thoroughly right now, it sounds like. I wish you the best of luck with your state exam, ma'am <3 Take care of that boyfriend too.
  2. You're okay. I'm not. I must admit: I thought about replying to your PM after I received it, but I never found time to do so. I forgot about it, to be honest. And then stress hit me and now I'm happy just to be on TFF every now and then to at least fulfill my duties as a mod.
    I'm currently into learning for my state exam (for the second time, which is why I'm more stressed than before... :/ ), so there's not much time left. I hope this is okay for you - I know I should be a better friend, but right now, I'm neglecting all my friends (plus boyfriend). I only have one chance left to pass the state exam, that just drives me crazy and leaves no room in my head for anything else. :/
  3. This may sound like a strange question, but... are we okay, or are you mad at me for some reason?
  4. I thought specifically that your apology to Rowan was cute in the way you worded it. I think that feeling bad about the bombing is how I feel too. It makes me unhappy that these things continue to happen. Although the fact that people were rushing to help in that video Rowan linked does provide some hope.
  5. So, Sir, my opinion is CUTE in your opinion?

    Seriously, I know I'm pretty naive, and I almost cried when I heard the news, just because two people died. I don't even know them, but it feels like... I don't know. They didn't deserve it. It just makes me sad to hear people die. I know I should be more distant emotionally, but I just can't. ._.
    You may consider that cute, I consider it naive and... idk, emotional. ._.
  6. Oh and btw, one of my classmates from Tech School is in Germany now. I think Ramstein. Sounds like she's enjoying the weather too
  7. It is a blue ford focus. Pearhaps I shall take a picture of it with my phone and then get my pics from my phone on my lappy finally. :3 Thank you for your confidence in me. I wish I had the same confidence in myself, heh... All areas of my pt have receded though-push ups, sit ups, even my running... And haha. That second weekend would be this weekend... We'll see how we do. <3 Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  8. Congratulations on your new car! =D What kind of car is it? (I will have to use google to know how it looks like, but... I'm curious anyways )
    I'm pretty sure you'll pass that mock exam. I passed my pedagogics exam as well (but I sucked, haha), so you'll rock that mock exam easily!
    Okay, every second weekend is okay as well.
  9. It is in the 30's tonight. It will probably get colder overnight too. Guh. Spring is only an idea, I'm afraid. :3 Yay exams! Kick ass on 'em, okay? Never have to deal with them definitions again. Just know the idea behind them :3 I gots to go to the First Term Airmen's Course this week. Take a mock pt test. I hope I can pass, heh... My pt scores haven't been stellar.
    I don't know about every weekend, but perhaps more, now that I just bought a new car tonight! (Brand new. ...I am alarmed at myself.) Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  10. Heh, I know exactly what you mean. I hate going outside when it's freezing cold outside. Which it has been for about TWO MONTHS now. -_- Damn you, weather! Can't wait for spring to come. Or to put it in the words of the news weather forecast from yesterday: "And don't forget: in three months time, summer will officially start!" Wait - what? Summer? Where's spring gone?! >.<
    Anyways, glad to hear everything is fine for you! I'm currently right into my exams (which is why I haven't been online the last couple of days). Today I finally finished my English exams! Wohooo! =D There's only an oral exam left in English. On March 14 (till March 18) I'll have my maths exams. Can't wait for them to come. Finally I don't have to learn stupid definitions by heart anymore! Thank god I chose maths as my second subject.
    And yays for you being so near to your beloved. <3 I hope you'll at least meet every weekend now. In this cold, freezing season, warmth by a beloved is very important. <3 (Have I mentioned that I loooove newly spread love? xD A good friend of mine also fell in love about two months ago and it's sooooo cute <3 <3)

    Love that pic of AppleCider
  11. How are you, lady? I'm at my first active duty station finally. Trying to get myself set up. Got the internets yesterday, which was still giving me problems today. Wanna find a car, but the weather is too nasty to go out. Also, they're overpaying me and will charge me for it later and cannot fix this. But other than that, heh, I'm doing okay. Only a few hours' drive from Julie now :3
  12. Well, Basic was 8 and a half weeks, but you don't go home after that; you go straight to Tech School. You get 4 days to visit with people if they come to see you, but no one came to see me... I tagged along with a friend and his mom instead. It was fun, but I miss my family. I should be able to go home for Christmas for a week and a half or so, though. Cross my fingers, I have all the required paperwork now I think. Just gotta not get in trouble. Was late to something on Wednesday though... probably get punished next week. Oh well.

    Math, eh? Fun fun fun. I think in the block after this one, I get to do some math. Fractions and "to the umpth powers" and all that. I forget what that's called. I got to Trigonometry in college, but I think I got a D in it... Heh. Good luck to both of us on the maths!

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  13. Oh, great to hear you're still okay!
    So, when will you be going home? Wasn't there something about eight weeks or something like that...? Oo

    I'm pretty fine, although I'm learning very much due to my upcoming exam in spring. Somehow I've already become very, very nervous ._. (Maths sucks at this point of studying. It's so f-ing much and not as easy as all the end-of-term-exams have been >.<)
  14. How are you these days, ma'am? I am doing the Tech School thing. It is better than the BMT thing, but I miss home. And being able to talk to people on a regular basis, and music.
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