Conversation Between Bleachfangirl and Imposter

35 Visitor Messages

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  1. Happy new year, Atma. Hope you have a good one.
  2. Sorry about last night. Here at school the internet cuts out for the night around 11:00 my time, I just didn't want you to think I just got up and left for no reason. I'm not that rude.

    I don't know if you caught the last thing I said to you, but I was just saying the reason I'm learning that stuff is because I'm at a Bible institute, so I'm learning all kinds of stuff like that.

    Maybe I'll catch you on another time, until than later days.
  3. Well, getting by is good enough. It's really just the same on this end. I'm starting to learn the ways of journalistic photography though, and that's kind of fun.

    I don't think anyone knows who is supposed to post. Really, I was waiting for Cid to come out of the Chamber of Fayth, but if he doesn't, I guess I'll post just to get the ball rolling.
  4. I'm getting by, back at school again which is a mixed blessing. Nothing superly amazing has found its way into my life. Anything like that happen to you?

    Seems like that FFX rp is beginning to fossilize too. Ho hum.
  5. *shouts, captures in a bottle, and hands over to Atma* ^^

    Ha, I haven't talked to anyone in some time. All is well enough on this end for the time being. How are things for you?
  6. Yo Bleachie how ya been? Haven't talked to you in some time. Is all well? Give me a shout some time. Later days
  7. Glad it was fun. How did you guys help out the camp there? Meebo= Ebuddy? Hmm...*goes to try* It works!!! Yays! You get a glomp! *glomps Atma-Noah* Yays! Oh, and I've been fine.
  8. Bermuda was wicked sweet, I did tons of fun things. Anyways I read about your Ebuddy problem and think that you should try it is pretty much the same thing, maybe it'll work. And I meant with yourself not the forums. Later days!
  9. Oh yay! How was Bermuda for you then? If you're asking about the forums, I don't really know. There was a lot of posting...but other than that, I haven't noticed anything yet.
  10. Howdy hey! How have you been doing? I just got home from Bermuda, and I thought I would see how things were going. So anything exciting happen in the last week or so?
  11. ....I'm still scared. I'm doing nothing but eating onion rings and wondering what to do. *sighs* Darn it....
  12. Yo scared-y cat...did you overcome your fear and apply to the Academy? So what are you up to? Myself? I'm eating rock candy and waiting for a friend to come pick me up. Well have fun doing what you're doing. Later days Bleachie
  13. Haha, well, I don't know where you live that you're official, but that's okay. You didn't seem the type to drink much even if you were of age. That's cool. ^^

    But anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  14. pshkah Bleachie thanks for the birthday wishes, and actually I'm am officially the legal drinking age now, but I'm not the kinda to drink so you were kinda right hahahaha
  15. Very cool. It's nice of you to want to take part in that.
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