Conversation Between Calvan and Unknown Entity

28 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thank you.

    I may end up getting an apartment close to my work/farther away from my family. lol
  2. Hey thats awesome! =)

    Not the family stuff though... Argh... I hope everything is ok anyway on that front. =)
  3. Yep. I got the job. That and family bullshit. Thats always fun. @.@
  4. Hey, no prob! I know you've been busy lately. =)

    You got the job?
  5. Sorry for just up and dissappearing. It's been a stressful last couple of days.
  6. You see they never actually showed me one. just told me to expect a bunch of stuff that never happened.
  7. Can I see your version?
  8. Yes it should be redone. and revised to what it should properly say.
  9. Well, it should be re-done! XD
  10. No kidding.

    They never listed a lot of things in the job description. XD lol
  11. It cheered me up. I'm in serious need of a good tearful embrace at the moment. Argh... everythig sucks!

    Why wasn't this in the job description when I chose life huh? XD
  12. Glad to help in what ways i can.
    *hugs again*
  13. *hugs*

    Thank you.
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