Conversation Between Diamond Dust and Freya

18 Visitor Messages

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  1. Offence?! None at all. I really wanted to thank you for giving me that kind of feedback.
    I also DO understand that it gives you headaches to read the text. I just didn't think that anyone would have problems reading it. In my opinion it's rather MY fault than YOURS.
    Your post could have been more detailed, though. But I, personally, don't have a problem with your post.
  2. I wasn't having a dig and it's certainly not personal, and it was readable as are all your posts, just a lot of text with no breaks gives a bit of a headache. Admittedly I should have offered you some feedback but I was too lazy to post anything at the time, and was subsequently pulled up on the matter by Cain. Fortunately, no warning was issued.

    Sorry if caused any offence.
  3. I don't know if I'll ever edit the review, but... well, I THOUGHT it was quite readable. XD I'm pretty much used to writing that way and I don't like Enter that much.
    Just kidding, thanks for pointing that out. ^^ I know the text, so it's easy for me to read it; didn't think someone couldn't read it. ^^"
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