Conversation Between nix and OceanEyes28

66 Visitor Messages

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  1. <3
  2. If I could Fedex a spanking, I would.
  3. mmmmm that warning felt good....

    Who said I don't like ya? Why would you say such a thing?
  4. Smoothie it is

    Whats a pre-warning? Do I get 3 pre warnings to get an official warning? Have i got 2 pre warnings now? Or a warning and a pre warning?
  5. Haha awwwww. It's a pre-warning. You're safe.

    I can have a smoothie!
  6. I can't believe you gave me a warning ... it hurt... pushed me right to the edge too.... one more... and im gone for good....

    I was only merely highlighting the level of spam already detected in the thread which is just a re-post of a similar topic posted not long ago anyway.

    But don't worry i wont hold it against you in any way, just doing your job eh ?

    And bummer on the milkshake actually becoming an offering of poison, not my intention, please forgive me!
  7. I cannot have a milkshake, I am lactose intolerant.
  8. You are in your arse lenient, and did you just advise me to eat a penis? Did you?

    I think ill have to come back into the highbridge and sort the mods out, again...
  9. I'm lenient as ****, you can eat a ****!!!!

    (but seriously, I just work here )
  10. Another! awesome thread party pooped... by you, I demand you exercise more leniency!

    I have more posts than you, make it happen!
  11. But the thread was bound for glory! It had heaps of potential to be a great thread.
  12. Never!!!
  13. Closing my threads...will it ever stop ?
  14. So bossy
  15. Hey, that thread is closed when CPC8 say it is, reopen, lets go! hop to it! make it happen, up up and away account closure decision!

    Fine, leave it closed you pooper of parties!
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 66
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