Conversation Between Kilala and Clint

108 Visitor Messages

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  1. Did you die again?
  2. Hello.
  3. Yes, true, but in a few years, I will be a scientist. It'll only take me about two years to get my associates in environmental science. I'll be able to figure out how to manipulate genes.
  4. Yeah, of course. You weren't even there. It wouldn't have been so retarded if you hadn't left "she who shall not be named because name dropping would be disrespectful" in charge.

    What can I say? I give people offers that they can't refuse.
  5. No disrespect to your club, but it's far too political for me.

    Perhaps we could mess with the genetic code of the vegetables, giving it some DNA of a cow or a chicken, or some other type of farm animal, but not enough to change the appearance of the vegetable, so that the giant vegetarians don't realize that they're eating a part plant part animal hybrid.
  6. Could you edit me out of your post in the TFF Council thingy? I don't want any part of that club.
  7. Yeah, which would make the giant vegetarians unexpectedly unhealthy, so they would want to eat more vegetables, blissfully unaware that the vegetables are what is making them unhealthy in the first place.
  8. We don't have to exploit them. We can just make them an offer they can't refuse.
  9. Wouldn't growing giant vegetables attract giant vegetarians?
  10. What plans?
  11. No, you're wrong, Feyz. I would have put a comma in my last sentence if I had listed more than two things, but because I listed only two, then there's no need for a comma.
  12. Don't listen to Ralz. I'm not Egon. That name is stupid. I'm Clint Eastwood now. And you are dead, because I know everything and I'm never wrong.
  13. Like I said, I won't be convinced that your not dead, even if you come back. I still strongly believe that you're dead, even though you responded to me saying that you aren't dead. For all I know, it could be somebody else using your account.
  14. You'd think people would get bored leaving messages for somebody who's obviously dead.
  15. No, you're wrong, Ralz-Mania. She's dead, and I won't be convinced otherwise, ever, even if she comes back. If she comes back, I'll just assume it's somebody else using her membership and mimicking her personality.
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 108
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