Conversation Between pixergirl and Cyanist

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  1. ulgh. muscle flexing ulgghhhhh, nooooo.

    social death? ha. don't worry. the people who mind don't matter and the people who matter don't mind.

    i aim to make it at least street-awesome. loooooool adds a certain hilarity tht lol just can't accomplish on it's own.

    my poor Pendragon spirit...ooooh the horror. i think it's part denial and part wanting to save it.

    oh no, i wasn't referring to your food when i said fake food. YOUR food is very much real. i was referring to the potato chips and buddy bars and stuff (awrghhhh i loooove buddy bars. soooo good) real food is like fruits veggies, meat, bread etc etc.

    whaaaaaaaat? Travolta as Wallace??? whaaaaaaaaat? looool (<~ again with that)
    Alec Baldwin. that's hard to picture. i think James Franco would be perfect for Sit O, i think. :}

    whatt? 19, 20ish?? never woulda thunk it.

    twelfth night was the one with the woman pretending to be a guy to find out whether he was worthy of marrying her. haven't finished it yet tho.

    gun kissing? really? ha. ha. ha.
  2. Of course, fool. Humankind is surprising in everything we undertake, therefore, House is human. Besides, only humans could be so mean.
  3. Ah, I can't make any promises on that muscle flexy thing. But you've watched Rocky, yer used to it.

    Yea, them fingers will be the social death of me.

    How can one laugh out out out out out out out out out out out loud? Izat illegal?

    Ya! Where's yo Pendragon spirit, yo? How could you miss da finale? Or are you saving that one, still in denial as to the whole ending thing?
    Not eating REAL food? What, precisely, does she consider REAL food? I made a portion o' that fake food!

    John Travolta, according to my star-about-town informer, A.K.A. Abe, the troubled John Travolta will be portraying Wallace in the "Family Movie" Abe himself, of course, would be honored to be portrayed by the annoying, charming, Alec Baldwin. We haven't chosen an actor for Sir O. as of yet, however, I'm sure he'll come up with something fitting.

    Actually, his "Newsies" age I'd guesstimate at perhaps nineteen, maybe twenty, so he's much younger.

    Yup, I read that twelfth night. (Or did I? which one was that again?)
    "Peace? I hate the word." *smooching gun*
  4. hahaha three hours ten seconds? is that really human?
  5. Ah. Okay then, just so long as there is no overly retarded muscle-flexing glorification scenes i don't mind it too much.

    typey fingers are a tad wayward aren't they? i noticed that myself. like brain is connected directly to the keyboard or something. i needz to get me a new brain filter btw O_O

    cheese. growing on you. that just sounds wrong loooooool.

    i think he sounds evil and he's also evil too....which reminds me i never got to finish reading Raven Rise...darnnnnn i loooove the pendragon books and somehow i've neglected to finish the last one??? whassupwit thaaaaaaaaaaat???
    ...i'm hungry too. saw this health educator woman this morning and she told me why i haven't been gaining weight. its's because me body isn't getting enough REAL food. apparently. (potato chip! i command thee to regress to your spud days!!)

    Charlie Sheen? re-he-he-heaaaallly? woah. didn't expect that one. was John Travolta also on it? phew. here resting easily.

    wow that is pretty young, almost like "Newsies" age then?
    i have this little old blue version of Shakespeare's "12th night" so far it isn't half bad, but then i never did finish it (very strange plot...)
    ehehehe "You bit your thumb at me?! Yea i do bite my thumb at you!"
  6. Proven during the special Olympics of 2012 when he hobbled to the three yard dash finish line just short of three hours ten seconds..
  7. Ugh, since perfectionism is what is is... I guess I'm more like Blade than Gohan. (Gohan doesn't need to be careful, he's strong)

    Yeah, sorry about the idiot thing. I can't control my typey fingers sometimes.

    Yes, cheesiness. It kind of grows on you. Of course I watch it purely for the boxing scenes, which I'm utterly 'oog'ed.about. I wanna learn how to box or something that requires Rocky music...
    Ah, Dexter is sooo amazing. I hope you finish off the season soon sos we can talk about that plot twist. Which plot twist are you on now?

    About that...You see, Saint Dane doesn't necessarily SOUND evil, he just is. It's sort of a modest, suave evilness, ja?
    Your mentioning of teh chicken wings iz forgiven, but now I'm hungry.

    To settle the rumors, Pauly (Polly? Pawly?) Shore was among those considered in the nomination, but then, so was Charlie Sheen, so... Obviously the decision wasn't a close one. Rest easy.

    Chipper he was! Yep, he was around...fifteen, I'd wager. Emma Thompson is so young in this movie. I just love the pithy speech in this film. I should read/watch/google more Shakespeare.
  8. when was that proven now?
  9. half-breed? like Gohan? or Blade?

    aha! caught you in the act of unintentional idiot-assignment!

    yes. I watched the 1st one anyway. no idea when i'll get the chance to watch THE FIRST SEQUEL and all really is one of the cheesiest things i've ever seen... heartwarming in it's own way tho i guess... i'm still trying to find time to finish off Dexter season2...ohhhhhmeegoooossshhh O_O that series is whaaaaaaaa.... O_O

    yes! i've achieved omnidirectional oneness! or rather evil villiany-soundingness. I feel so accomplished now U_U (Saint Dane??? reallly?! oh wooow, i never could've hoped to aspire to such-!!) you were talking about chicken wings and got me all craving them so i just tossed out a random phrase referring to chicken. i wasn't thinking straight i tell you!!

    really? who were the other nominees for the awards? was Pauly Shore among them?

    seriously? you mean "Henry V" was an actual movie?? i thought it was like some documentary or something. how old was the chipper chap Bale at the time? (i do like Emma Thompson, she has a certain "ness" to her...)
  10. Oh, and Gregory House has totally been proven to be human.
  11. Yeah, *modest shoe shuffling* I guess I'm a half-breed perfectionist...

    Oops, that idiot part wasn't supposed to be out loud.

    You ARE watching Rocky! I don't believe it! "This is the greatest moment and blah blah blah, all that"
    OMG, though! (Delayed shock). I can't wait for you to watch the rest!!!
    Uh, yeah, I THINK it was Kung Fu Wooden Men (or something)

    "Genuinely intrigued?" I do say, you sound an awful lot like one of those villains (I'm tempted to say Saint Dane level of evilness, even) but what's that got to do with chicken?

    Ah, I thought it would seem weird if he were taking unearned credit... turns out he wasn't so I'm glad I didn't approach him on the subject (I'm terribly impulsive sometimes, so I need to reign myself in)
    Nonsense! Every single person who's given the award deserves it! I know because I was near the judges' panel while they deliberated on your worthiness.

    Ooooogh, I just watched 'Henry V'. Now THAT'S a good movie. O' course not everyone can stand Shakespeare's style of speech, so I don't expect you to watch it or anything. There's a small role done by Christian Bale in his youth. And Emma Thompson is in it, too...
  12. oh and House is only SLIGHTLY still human.
  13. is it??? is it realllly goooo-OOOd? (perfectionism maybe? eh? eh? )

    lol hey! watch who you callin' an eejit!

    I am so watching Rocky, or i started to anyway, "Yo, Adrian! I ain't no good at talking to doors...." etc., nyaaaaaaaaaaah. .... Wooden Men? is that what that was called?

    i'm not up to anything. just slinking about and all that, this actually looks like a pretty neat sight. I'm genuinely intrigued by it, that's all U_U (chickens is what chickens does)

    yes. it was the Bro that eventually found it. I don't really deserve any medal of Rambonian Cheesiness, but i will accept a medal of Rambonian Olfactors.
    no one injured that i know of. oh wait no, i cut my elbow by accident...
  14. Why do I need to see someone, finishing things is perfectly natural and gooo-OOOOd?

    Yeah, I just love putting those things in spoilers, it tells me which idiots are curious enough to look.

    You aren't watching Rocky...That's a bold-faced lie! But I CAN believe you're watching Jackie Chan's 'the wooden men' (that's perfectly understandable)

    winging things, why do I always think of chickens with that phrase?
    I'm still worried, you're totally up to somat.
    House is still slightly human...

    Ah, I've been told by the courageous bro that HE found the stink. regardless of whoever located it, I am eternally grateful to you both, and you shall be awarded the coveted medal of Rambonian Cheesiness.
    Congratulations. I hope no one was injured on the front lines today?
  15. i should see someone about my inability to finish games. you should see someone about your addiction to finish things. we'll both be seeing someone at the same time. it'll be hello weird @_@

    grrrr. i actually did peek. but i couldn't really help it so....Arghhh~! some spoiler that was... >_<

    i should watch it. along with the rest of Rocky...and that cheesy kung fu movie everyone's talking about with the woman dancing in the peanut butter and the little buddha statue at uberclose proximity to the camera....

    i wasn't really planning anything really. just thought i'd kinda wing it. see what happens.
    i don't intend to blow anything up though, so no worries my friend.
    I'd rather be a House lacky. at least they are still human :}

    Random fact. The stench here is so monkey fighting unbearable me and older Bro have been goin on massive invasive clean up duty and we still haven't found the source of the Stink. Back up! we need back up!!
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