Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Alpha

35 Visitor Messages

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  1. It's at like, 260..? I'm sure you had way more than that.
  2. You remember me? xD

    It's my RP character. I don't really like my name change but I don't want to bother the mods to change it back so... Bah..

    What's up with my post count?
  3. ViviMasterMage?

    What is this... 'Nova'?

    And what happened to your post count?
  4. So's your face! (See what I did there?) I just wondered what the outburst was for!

    I know now though because I proved you wrong.
  5. I guess you're unfamiliar with "your face" jokes. NM, they're shit anyway.
  6. I beg your pardon?
  7. Your face is spam.
  8. Well, wouldn't Cambridge cost lots anyway? Our universities are all really affordable, and we get interest-free student loans. However, international student fees are exorbitantly high, but probably comparable to Cambridge, I suppose.

    Nah, I don't have anyone I knew before uni doing what I'm doing. One of my friends will be, but he's one of the ones on a gap year in the UK at the moment. Somewhere south of London. I just did what I feel I enjoy. That way, I'll never have to 'work hard', because it will be fun. I hope it works out, because I know that I could've studied Law successfully, although I don't want to blow my trumpet. Let's just say that it was in no way an easy decision.

    I don't see why a higher 'rank' should mean anything, but I've never been one to do anything for external admiration or pointless titular honours. I think people should just make quality posts in order to express themselves. As long as they're doing this - and enjoying it - then all the better. And I meant the whole forum in general, but I doubt it would ever go ahead.

    I've got a friend who went to school in the UK. Those GCSEs sound really difficult. Fromm the way he presented it, there's a lot of material you guys have to learn. However at age fourteen I think you write more eloquently than I did, so something's going right.
  9. Yeah, Cambridge University! I may be aiming a little too high but that's what you have to do to succeed. I guess I could keep that University in mind, I'm not sure if I could rack up the money to go, but there is always student loans that I could take out I suppose. I guess you wanted to do what you wanted to do... Did you have any friends coming with you or was it just that you made your mind up a little too early?

    I guess people are fixated on getting a higher "rank" or playing in the arcade. They should just make that place free to the public and soon they'll get bored and move along. I like your idea but you mean only in the ID part of the forum or the whole forum in general?

    Yeah, you're right. It stands for General Certificate of Secondary Education which is basically what you said.
  10. Cambridge University!! Well, if that doesn't work out for you, I recommend coming here (to New Zealand), and attending Victoria University of Wellington. Our law school is among the best in the world, and I'm not kidding. We came first (or was it second?) in a legal moot competition, beating Harvard University, and I think Cambridge too. That's where I could've studied, but I turned it down. Why? Not sure really.

    Yeah post counts blow. I think we should replace them with an average words-per-post figure. This would encourage quality posts, I hope. Then again, a high word count doesn't mean high quality, but it helps.

    What does GCSE stand for? I'm guessing it's something like our NCEA (National Certificate in Educational Achievement); in other words, a school subject?
  11. Fate is in fact Asian, it blows my mind too. When I first talked to him... Well, he has better grammar than me even. I have to admit that it seems Asian people work a lot harder and let the minor things go. They have so much patience and restain; something that other countries need to follow.

    I know that I can enter the ID forum whenever I want but when I'm typing up something, I feel like some kind of idiot or kid that doesn't know what he is rambling on about and will basically be laughed at for trying to. I get that many people in the ID part of the forum are not like that but I guess it's just how I feel about it. If I ever post in the ID forums, I'll try not to be like the newcomers that are appearing and are putting one sentence answers and basically trolling and racking up posts. What is the deal with that anyway? What makes people care so much about a number?

    I do study Law, we were lucky though because our Citizenship teacher has a Law degree and she took the job. I enjoy it, we role play and quiz each other, it's pretty good fun... Except from presentations, I **** myself while doing them. The nerves are too much.

    You make a good point, I mean I even struggle to get back on my feet after being off for 2 weeks of school, mainly because of end of term breaks. I'm going to try get into the best of the best: Cambridge University. If you complete your undergraduate degree, you then become a post-graduate, correct? The places you've talked about are a little more adventurous than mine, I'm guessing you're not from America then?

    I'm really not sure if I'll still enjoy what I'm doing 10 years from now; this is one of the things that I ponder about to be honest. I always keep my options open, for everything. I mean I'm doing a extra GCSE in Italian that I have to do after school as well. I'll always keeps my options open.
  12. Fate is Asian? Mind****! He's way too good at English! My mum used to teach ESOL (English as a second language), and these Asian kids were really smart, but their English was nowhere near as good as his.

    Don't feel that you can't just jump into the ID forum at any point; in fact I encourage it. Some of the debates can get really off-topic and out of hand. At the very least, you could give your opinion on the OP, and it might help the whole thread re-focus a bit. However, sometimes the direction threads take is just in response to what the OP is alluding to, so be careful that you're not ignoring the new direction completely.

    You can study law in school!? That would be cool. I was going to study law at university, but I thought I would rather focus on what I enjoyed, rather than what would be good financially (some would say sensibly).

    You could take a gap year before university. A few of my friends are doing that at the moment, from a base in the UK. They managed it by helping in a boarding school; so they get accommodation, meals, spending money, and time off to travel. I'm jealous, but I wouldn't like to do that. The jump from school to university is steep, but steeper when you haven't been studying for a year. I want to see how they react to having to work hard next year. I want to go on a gap year after my undergraduate degree. I'll go to Southeast Asia through Australia, into East Asia, getting the Trans-Siberian Railway from Vladivostok on the Pacific to St Petersberg in European Russia. Travel around Europe, into Egypt and some of the Middle East, then home. I really don't have a desire to see North America, but I may get around to South America one day.

    I always say to follow what you enjoy doing; that's why I'm studying (Human) Geography. But at all times it helps to be realistic; that's why my second major is in Applied Statistics. By all means, try and pursue game design, if that is what you truly enjoy doing. I just wonder if you will enjoy that in ten year's time. You're 14. The only error you could make at this stage is closing a few doors. KEEP YOUR OPTIONS OPEN. I cannot stress that enough.
  13. We're just friends but I can see how it could be confusing. All you have to know though is that Fate is Asian and I'm British, unless my mother adopted him... Let's not get started into that though.

    I see that you're are normally in the ID part of the forums, I might join you in a few years, need some life experience and things to reinforce things what I think about and want to talk about.

    Maybe when it comes, I'll take a gap year from university and explore some other country. Most around America and Canada because I could compare British laws to Canadian and American laws. (I'm studying GCSE Law and ICT in school) Maybe visit some family members in Canada and some friends in America... I'd need some serious cash to be able to do that though. *Sigh*

    I may be doing Law as a GCSE but I have to say that my ambition is to become a Game Designer. I understand that it's a common goal for kids but I feel that I should give it a try. If anything fails, I always have my other GCSE's to fall back on. I like to think about every outcome that could happen, both positive and negative. I normally ponder about this at night-time.

    Are you studying anything?
  14. The 'Kyle and Fate = awesomeness' or whatever it is. I didn't immediately think that you were brothers after reading this, but when you said that 'brother' line, it appeared to explain it.
  15. I guess I gave off a couple of red herrings. What other things did you notice that made you think that?
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