Conversation Between Block and GypsyElder

61 Visitor Messages

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  1. Something tells me this involves a banana, safety pin and a bouncy ball?.... I couldn't tell you why...
  2. *CENSORED DUE TO NSFW RULES* and a cold shower.
  3. I hope so, what do I get if I am ?
  4. have you been a good girl?
  5. indeed I am santa
  6. Who are you?

    Are u santa?
  7. Awww^^ Block you still look cute with no jew fro haha
  8. I hate windows lol my computer is always fuggin up. Not so sure yet but as of now I can still use it.
  9. awww... it's okay, is your computorz all right?
  10. Sorry Bloockkk I had to help my dad with some crap and then my computer died -_- lol
  11. sorry to have gone astray... just been so obsessed with ff13 recently that I've made little time for anything else. Miss you though!
  12. Where's Block
  13. Happy Birfday!!! <3
  14. lol
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 61
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