Conversation Between Walter Sobchak and RagnaToad

184 Visitor Messages

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  1. My opinion is kind of skewed because I saw the third one first.
  2. From the last 15 minutes of the 2nd one, it doesn't make any sense. It becomes some religious epos which I didn't like. Some elements in the 3rd film somewhat contradict the original idea. The sequels ****ed it up in my opinion.
  3. I find them to generally all be enjoyable. I think people overreacted about Reloaded and Revolutions. They are not as creative as the original, obviously, and some of the philosophy is illogical, but I generally liked them.
  4. Did you like The Matrix? And what's your opinion on the 2nd and 3rd part?
  5. It was my first Miyazaki, actually. I am woefully behind on animation, but then again, real movies are usually better.
  6. It is great.

    My Neighbour Totoro is good too.
  7. Ha. I love plenty of movies. I just saw Spirited Away, and thought it was great.
  8. Is there 1 movie you do like? ^^
  9. American Gangster is dreadful.

    I admire Mulholland Drive, but I would never watch it again.
  10. So you didn't like Mulholland Drive?

    I saw American Gangster today. You probably don't like that one either?
  11. Eh. His films are fascinating on face value, but there is no emotional punch.
  12. Holy shit, dude. I just saw Mulholland Drive.

    Are you a David Lynch fan?
  13. I didn't think Depp brought any emotion to his character, and Bale was awful. Nothing interested me.
  14. WHAT? Dude. I really liked it. How was it boring?

    I've got exams coming up, man. I might go to filmschool though.
  15. I am indeed still in Paris, for another ten days. Come!

    Public Enemies was boring.
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 184
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