Conversation Between Dan558 and Angel of Iniquity

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  1. i'll take your advice when it comes to it but for now I'll still try the magical "ignore it" solution but that has a history of not working out too well for me. Besides I already posted there today, its slightly better if I take a couple days off fighting a futile fight otherwise I just get worked up and might say things that could backfire on me even more then they usually do.
  2. Before you post to his respons, try not to get offended. The direction he went is actually really humble in retrospect to what I am used to see. Look at the long post on my page by him, that way, you can understand a little better on how he thinks and can understand how to react better and when to take things seriously.
    Just in case, Sorry heartless, didn't meant o make a spectacle on your life.
  3. Nah, I'm 20, your not old haha
  4. too old, but younger then 24...
  5. Oh really? Whoa dude that's awesome, make sure you make allot of money haha.
    How old are you?
    My psych said I should be a doctor because I know allot about medical terms and injuries, operations. I said you have to care about human life to be a doctor, he couldn't stop lauging but I didn't know what was so funny... >.>
  6. No, I have no strong interest in professional game designing. Like many gamers it has crossed my mind but I don't have the originality for it and I placed it as something along the lines of people dreaming to be professional athletes, where its nice to think of but doesn't normally happen. RPG maker is extremely user friendly and I have no serious education in any sort of programming language so it's not really in the cards for me. I'm more interested in the medical field which I am currently getting an education in (I have a bachelor of Science Biochem Honors and I will be going to Pharmacology or Optometry school next year)
  7. LOL!!!
    That actually sounds interesting. Have you ever had any thought into professional game designing? With enough prethought, you can turn your game into a different class game, Al beit the known characters due to copyright haha
  8. Ahhhh! Acer is the devil! my last laptop was an Acer, it was cruddy from the beginning. Anyways like I said it's very cliched. Basically an evil guy steals crystals/gems/objects (trying to decide on something less cliched) from several kindoms in the world to open up some alternate dimension and harness its "evil" to create/rule his own world. The main character and his friend start off as the typical nobodies recuit some people and will fight oppose him. It's a lot of theory right now as a dragon you raise will become an airship, loyalties will change, there will be secret dungeons and items to find. Like I said it's really a side-project but I feel i'm getting much better at it my original towns look like crap compared to my new dynamic towns. lol my favorite part so far is a forest that has a space-time rip where you have to fight enemies like Mario, X-men, kirby and even duck hunt ducks that have been mentally destabilized. Theres even a town that will expand through the game that has characters lik Piccolo (from DBZ) that has a senzu bean field, Link who plays his ocarina silently responds but owns a collection of bows, hammers, shoes and tunics and GoGo the mimic as mayor. It's all for fun to pass the time on occasion.
  9. Ahh, you should really invest in an older PC. My pc is an Acer, and is from 2005, but runs even Ps1 emulators perfect, and costs about 150-300$
    I would love to exchange game Ideas, or talk about it sometime.
    WHat's your game about? Don't worry, I will by no means steal or corrupt your game in any manor, I'm not a total bitch ^-^"
  10. yea I have it all on an external hardrive but I have no other viable computer to work on it. Saving it directly to my external isn't an option as my laptop is very sensitive and could reset with any minor touch. I use an external monitor, a wireless mouse and an external keyboard so I have no direct connection with the laptop. When I plugged in the external hard drive once before it blue-screened my laptop, I only barely managed later to transfer important data including my game.
    My game isn't really testable yet because I havn't added any random encounters to level up with mainly because I have to test to see if switches and dialogue all works well and battles would just interfere.
  11. Oh, you should save your game on a Usb or Micro SD card haha.
    I am not developing my game as of yet, I am creating the story and all of the content, so all that would be left, would be the actual design process. I have been working on my game for about 3 years, so I am sure it should take a year in the industry to finish ^-^"
  12. what are you making your game with? As a hobby I have a side project of an RPG I am making using RPG maker 2003. When I review what I have done so far it's an incredibly cliched game in my opinion so far but I've put so much work into it it's to late to rework it all. It probably has 4ish hours of content so far and many more bits of unfinished parts. I on and off work on it, it's on hold right now because my laptop is going down the crapper so anything I make might be lost.
  13. OH and, funny thing is, it was because of Xbox some things gotten taken out, I actually almost responded hostile but... O.o
  14. I see, well, I can say that I doubt that he will get penalized, only because it can seem that you flame-baited him, even if you hadn't meant it. Same here with Zargaabath and Xanatos. Talked about me on their pages, but I don't think I reported so everything I just said about them, is completely pointless. LMAO!
    Well, I definitely appreciate your outlook on good and wrong. A great way to shut others down is show a sense of respect when they show faulty responses, or if need be, humbly ask them to remove their post and tell them why. If I get a sour response, there for some reason, offended them, so I say sorry. It shuts down most things before they start.
    I'm only doing this know so my Warnings run dry and I can speak with better intellect.
    Though I have had problems with Xanatos, Zargabaath and Heartless, perhaps respond without emotion. Sorry if I confused you, I am desinging, or working on my Video game and it is 3:40am, and my mind is running 300mph haha
  15. BTW in that FFXIII "has anything been removed thread" Silver quoted a statement from the head director/producer/whatever, if you follow the link I posted there you can see that the FFXIII crew lost a lot of credibility already so nothing they state can be taken to be 100% true.
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