Conversation Between Furore and Rikkuffx

44 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ummm do i wanna know why your wrist is tingly? using it too much?
  2. EEPS!

    Now my wrist is tingly... *URK*
  3. Boo!!
  4. I didn't think so,so i'll just dominate your vm's and your msn today haha
  5. Not really, no.
  6. is that such a bad thing? hehehe
  7. [caps lock]OMGOMGOMG IMA TALKIN WIT j00 ON MSN TOO NAO!!![/caps lock]
  8. Nothing much just hanging out. What about you?
  9. Heya. What's up?
  10. heyyy
  11. Thanks.
  12. you're an awesome friend
  13. hehe heyyyy
  14. just been working and playing with my ds hehe
  15. Not much. Just working, gaming and similar. You?
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 44
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