Conversation Between xXCloudXx and Unknownangel

62 Visitor Messages

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  1. It's really good. I like your Imagry. haha. Your talking to an English major here. lol. I have a few poems myself. I actually posted one on here under literature, You should check it out and leave me a post. lol
  2. Walking In The Rain

    On an August morning, I woke up at seven. I was awakened by a mysterious tapping noise. It can't be, I thought. But I still checked and, there it was, rain. It was supposed be one of those disgusting, humid, hot days, but it was raining instead and I was happy. It was so beautiful, like diamonds falling from the heavens. With no hesitation, I went outside in only my PJs. It felt good, its cool wetness on my hot face and its clean innocent touch. It felt like taking a bath after not having one in days, or like having all your sins and worries washed away. Maybe I should take a walk, I said to myself. So I went into my house to put on my rain boots and rain jacket and went back outside. The sun was almost up, and the rain had turned to rubies. I walked around my block and towards the lake. The lake glistened with red and yellow waves shimmering across the deep blue surface. As the sun came up over the lake, its rosy light tinted the clouds red, orange, yellow, and purple, the colors mixing into each other like paint. I was looking at a painting made by the Master.

    The End.
    I also got some really good poems if you want to see them to.
  3. Sure, I'd like to see it.
  4. Well I'm really my own person/ My mom was in and out of jail sence my birth and my dad was an alcaholic who wanted shots instead of his kids. So I'm not really close to eather of them now. It's good that you are close to your parents though. You should stay that way. I hear alot of kids saying how they hate there parents, but if they were never there then you would want them more than anything. So keep what you have and don't take it for granted.
  5. It's okay.I should really talk like that.I never knew your mom so I should tell what you should do.But do you want to see my paper I wrote that took mom about 20min to correct and all?
  6. Actually she doesnt deserve that much. But I'm to nice to just abandon her completely. So eh. lol
  7. Hmmm.If I never saw my mom again I'll cry.I'm a wacko Mama's girl.But mom sometimes doesn't like it.I over do it some times.
  8. Eh, That about sums it up. lol. this is the second time I have seen her in 4 years. So whatever.
  9. Oh how sweet.Thats two so fare.
  10. And by the way. I'm not going to judge by your religion.
  11. So howed it go?
  12. Hey Angel. I'm back on.
  13. See yah.And take care of your self.And be safe.....mane I just worried really bad some times....Maybe I should listen to the song tequila.I love playne it on cornet.
  14. Yes indeed.And I to have felt bad thing because of it...But I seem to usually forget about the pain It worries me.Oh well.Its okay man.I'm here.If enything bothers you I'll try to help...Okay that just sound wrong....
  15. I might do that UA. I'm getting tired of calling you UA. I'm just going to call you Angel. It makes more sence and it is a name. haha. Well I have to be leaving soon. I explained in the PM I sent you. So I'll try to talk to you later Angel. Goodbye
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