Conversation Between che and Alpha

209 Visitor Messages

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  1. Can't stop listening to Kimbra. Would instantly wife. She's so freaking endearing! I can't even decide which song I like best.

    *going Kimbra-crazy over here*

    I really enjoy the **** out of this song.

    edit again: nvm all of her stuff is amazing. I'm done now.

  2. Best gif I've ever seen!
  3. Nebraskaaaaaaaaaa Jones! She'll have your noseeeeeeeee.

    Dude I bought her album. And I don't buy albums. Been listening to it alot. <3
  4. Call her NEBRASKA

  5. OMG. We're going to make millions​!

  7. Haha I like this.
  8. That's what they want you to think.
  9. You can see in the shadows the camera mounted on his/her helmet!
  10. So like, his/her camera is being held in his/her mouth?

    I've always wanted to go to Rotorua. I haven't been there, or to Queenstown, which ironically are the biggest tourist traps.

  11. Woo, NZ!
  12. Her videos are all so well done!
  13. Kimbra - "Come Into My Head" [Official Music Video] - YouTube

    I love this btw! You got me started on Kimbra!
  14. Ugh. I have so much shit to say about that. We should catch up sometime, I've been/am super busy. Sorry for the shitty response.
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