Conversation Between LocoColt04 and GypsyElder

37 Visitor Messages

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  1. This weekend because Im going to be on bed rest. getting teeth pulled out of my face
  2. The fact that we haven't yet is, honestly, appalling.
  3. Yes. Yes we will.
  4. One of these days, we will play Dark Souls together.
  5. Awwww yeah gurl. Get some. GET ALL UH DAT.
  6. Getting my expensive ass webcam Monday. We need to Play DarkS PC as soon as I have a life.
  7. Atta girl. I should be getting my settlement from State Farm this week (one can only hope; I mailed them my approval over a week ago) and I'll deposit the shit out of that thing so I have money for vacation next week. After paying off the ~$3800 in medical bills, I intend to utilize a portion of the rest actually buying a TV. Maybe an HD-PVR so I can console-stream, buuuuuut not quite so concerned with that.
  8. Aww yeaahhh. Im gonna try and upgrade interwebs next week. Hopefully i get my tax returns too, so i can get a second monitor and webcam.
  9. I will touch all up on your summon sign - but only if you twitch while I do it.

  10. YOU There! touch my summon sign!= JOLLY CO-OPERATION!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Happy sexytime birthday LOCOOO <3

  12. LOL. Also, you're welcome :3

    EDIT: YouTube - Trading Spouses - The God Warrior - Pt. 6
  13. Only because of the auto-refresh!
    Paladins get the {Auto-Refresh} ability and it really helps with their MP management.

    Also, thanks for the birthday wishes!
  14. Exactly what I do 60% of the time.

    Buuttt it does update VM/PMs without me having to click to a new page for update so it's somewhat logical
  15. I like how we all just sit around and stare at the Who's Online page.
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 37
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