Conversation Between NikkiLinkle and Rowan

94 Visitor Messages

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  1. hi nikki, how are you doing? Its been quiet on the forums these past few weeks.
  2. Herro rowan!!!
  3. Nikkiiiiii
  4. haha. Yeah I've heard of flash mobs, usually choreographed dancing though, like what all those people did for Oprah that one time.
  5. You are not fragile! You cannot fool me!Lol.

    It'd be cool to get a flash mob as mirror people. Have you heard of flash mob? I just assume you have.
  6. haha naww dont make fun of me im fragile.
    I'll try to think of something creative, like drawing a moustache on or something haha
  7. OK! Lol. I actually don't normally take photos like that. I was just making fun of you But I'll do that for your group. I took a few very silly ones. The Mirror People! Lol. Is there many mirror people around here?
  8. Well if I make the group you gotta put it back or take another one and use as your avatar. Ill take a new photo as well, first one in a longgg time. Ill call it the "mirror people" or something lame. I need a few people to agree to do it first though! haha
  9. I changed it because I'm a cat lady. Oh sure what would you call the group? You can make it. I'm no good just maintaining groups
  10. Hey I saw it, why'd you change it again? We should create a group for people who take their profile pics in the mirrors. How about it?
  11. I can take a picture of myself and my camera too! Check my profile pic.
  12. Like mick jagger, with a walking frame.

    So are you going to light it up? like its Dynamite?
  13. I've got so much snuffle I don't know what to do with it!

    I assume that you sir, have the moves like jagger.
  14. Every day you're snufflin
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 94
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