Conversation Between Superjord and HUNK

22 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah I feel the same. It's like there's so much wrong with them but you never notice it til it's over...wierd indeed.

    I can only teach what I've been taught. (But I also love to learn. lolz)
    Huzaz for mgs! Having Metal Gear and Final Fantasy at the top of your lists is "Pretty Good" of you. :3 I love MGS. Only one I've not beaten is 2 and 4. (But I'm working on two) oh well and rising... I liked the psp titles most. And I make Ocelot referances all the time. (There's even one in this post.)
  2. Ugh ex's are the true 'regrets' of my life lol I honestly think I've regretted every single girl I've ever 'loved'. Bit stupid but you can't help how you feel at the time, huh?

    Ah so you've kinda been brought up in the ways of happiness and peace etc. you could teach me a few things! Ahaha glad you're a MGS fan, 2nd to the FF series for me
  3. Yup, pretty much.

    Of cource the stresses of life and evil ex's have goten to me and sucked a bit of my sunshine away from today but overall I'm a pretty happy person.
    I really ment that my parents were both hippies and I am aswell. I happen to find myself as a natural philosopher. (And not the crazy MGS group either, although...ocelot is....hmm)
  4. Hah, that's the thing, I could be an evil bast**d but then I'd be as bad as those I want to be evil too XD I've found just relaxing, not taking things seriously and going easy has made me happy enough

    A hippie by lineage? You were just born a happy, loving person?
  5. Don't be different, be yourself. Going outa your way to be different will never satisfiy you, I think you'll be much happier just being yourself.

    I'm a hippie by lineage and choise so I agree with philosophies of love and peace.
  6. I'm all about the love dude :]

    Too much hate around already and I like to be different haha :3
  7. Share the love.

    I dig the philosophy.
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